Hug Crew Deathroll

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bunnies rock my socks
Sep 8, 2003
US of A
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Since we need more love and peace on the boards I propose the Hug Crew Deathroll, with a little help from NeedledWarheart ;) : "In the Hug Crew, we hug not pout at all! We're hugging for one, and none for....shit!", but come on, people! Metal hardcore peace and love? :D

:lol: :lol:

;) :loco:

(This proves I am offically......weird.)
Well, you know, peace went out with hippies.

I saw this at some website:

"1967: The hippie counter-culture saw that the world sucked and promised to change it with love.
1977: Punk culture saw that the world still sucked and raised a middle finger in defiance.
1981: Goths understood all along the importance of a good smoke."

See I know it's goth humor, but it just shows that hippie-ism is not the way to go.
ok, here we have a group hug :lol:


hehe :lol:
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