Huge Black Sea environmental disaster.

Ukraine is a magnet for every sort of natural and unnatural disaster, isn't it?
This looks like a job forrrrr Mike Rowe!!

He meant 20-40 million people.

# "Lowest credible" estimate: 20M
# "Highest": 40M
you know that is more than the holocaust and the killings of the Japanese Army in WWII in China combined. Comrade Joe beat them all.

Yes, it is a superficial and biased view, given Ukraine threw 4 billion Romanian euros down the drain, and continues to pollute the Danube Delta or Romanian territory with shit from some grand construction site they are doing i forgot what it is called. They are still doing it after, the EU and NATO told them to stop it. Oh, and if people in Europe happen to have higher natural gas prices of lately, blame the EU's great friend from the east Vladimir who jacked up energy prices again.
I stand by my original statement, that the Russians have historically done much more harm than Romanians have (who themselves did some shitty things in its history).
ba, esti din romania? daca da, chiar nu ma asteptam sa mai fie alt roman pe acest forum, eu sunt stabilit in state.

if you are not romanian, nevermind my post

Da ba cumnate .. si eu sunt stabilit in grecia de vreo 5 ani :)