Huge Black Sea environmental disaster.

Relaaaaaaaaaaaax ... Winter vacation are closing in and for the ocean try to swim a little or take a boat , plane so many ways
well yeah,the whale is right on this one.russian and ukrainian way of dealing things always ends-up with a lot of zeros at the end of numbers...

greu de explicat la americani totusi...
greu de explicat la americani totusi...
nu un american m-a contrazis la faza asta, dar vad de unve vine faza, ca intradevar sunt roman, si nu privi lucruriile 100& obiectiv

Iesiram romanii pe forum ca melci dupa ploaie
Noooiii suntem romaaaaanii, nooooiiii suuunteeem rooomaaaniii, nooooiiii suntem aiiiiciii pe veeeeciii staapaaniiiiii!!!!! :lol:

În-zvîcnirea apusului !
negura bunget lyrics FTW
I want to go to Romania really badly.
That is actually awesome. If you are into Medieval places and stuff like that go check out Transilvanya and cities like Sibiu, Sighisoara, Cluj, Brasov (great place to go hiking in the mountains too), Sinaia and Predeal for skying/hiking, and of course Bran, the town where the castle of Dracula is. Another great city is Timisoara if you want to check out one of the oldest modern romanian cities. I recommend avoiding Bucharest for your life, really crowded, and polluted, and a NY city like traffic and nothing to see there except a few museums and tall buildings. But, if you are into seeing lots of tities, and smoking weed on the beach at night, Constanta is the place to be during the summer. Seriously, that is where i'm from, and I love it. Probably one of the Romania's nicest and richest cities.

If you are into seeing old monasteries from the 1400 go to Moldova and see that area, but beware, it is bad there, lots of stupid people. Pretty much the equivalent of the redneck filled Southern areas of the US for romanians
That is actually awesome. If you are into Medieval places and stuff like that go check out Transilvanya and cities like Sibiu, Sighisoara, Cluj, Brasov (great place to go hiking in the mountains too), Sinaia and Predeal for skying/hiking, and of course Bran, the town where the castle of Dracula is. Another great city is Timisoara if you want to check out one of the oldest modern romanian cities. I recommend avoiding Bucharest for your life, really crowded, and polluted, and a NY city like traffic and nothing to see there except a few museums and tall buildings. But, if you are into seeing lots of tities, and smoking weed on the beach at night, Constanta is the place to be during the summer. Seriously, that is where i'm from, and I love it. Probably one of the Romania's nicest and richest cities.

If you are into seeing old monasteries from the 1400 go to Moldova and see that area, but beware, it is bad there, lots of stupid people. Pretty much the equivalent of the redneck filled Southern areas of the US for romanians

Thanks for the information. I looked at flights while I was in Europe and they were always surprisingly expensive to Bucharest. At that time I was interested in hiking in the Carpathians, a very general idea.
i think that translated to "stupid americans can't understand what we're saying, so let's badmouth them"
actually no, we weren't bad mouthing Americans, use an online translator to convince yourself. jumping to conlusions a little too fast.

@romanians,mi se pare aiurea complet sa ne aratam cat de prosti suntem si sa ne consideram un popor de resemnati sau "usor adaptabili". Asta e primul pas in a ne da batuti si a ne pierde indentitatea, si mai mult inseamna ca ne asociem cu acei resemnati. Dupa parerea mea acest popor inca mai are speranta, si in cateva generatii poate vom ajunge sa ne debarasam de leziuniile adanci lasate de comunism, si mentalitatea actuala. Ar trebui sa luam exemplu de la americani, care nici o data in istoria lor nu s-au dat batuti. Mai mult, mi se pare si o mai mare prostie ca sarim sa fim elitisti in a ne considera superiori americaniilor cand defapt unii dintre noi nu isi pot sustine punctul de vedere.