Huge Guitar Sound


Jul 29, 2010
Hey guys, wanted to show you this riff I recorded and was able to tinker around with to make a nice, even and huge guitar sound. I love it, but I'm looking for some major critiquing as how I can make it better!
Also, I just dinked around and tracked it. Playing is sloppy but oh well, It's just for the sake of seeing If I can thicken the guitars. Enjoy!

Final Product:
With drums and bass included. Guitars are layered to achieve a thickness in sound or for the 'wall of guitar' effect.

3 Passes panned hard left
3 Passes panned hard right
1 mono pass known as 'The Thickener'

All have a general EQ of Cutting off at about the 150hz. Then Cutting the highs out from 7,200hz
Also is a cut in the mids a little. (-1 db around 900 - 1200hz)

All 7 tracks have different Preamps and Impulses, but all have a TS808 in front
of them to do the boosting, except the Thickener.

Thoughts, Questions and comments please!

FIXED! There's no compression or lack of volume or any of that now. Finally.
That's weird. I didn't even have my speakers on half volume and I could hear it just fine. 0_o
I don't know.. it just doesn't sound huge.. but it starts with your playing.. if i hear something like this, "huge" would be the last thing that pops into my mind
Like I said: The playing is sloppy yes, I wanted to see what kind of textures I could create with a guitar tone by layering it enough. I guess I could record a better version.

I was trying to go for the guitar sound on Metallica's Black Album. That guitar sound is massive!
Okay okay, I'll rerecord the riff and probably do something else to it too. And no bass, I just wanted this to be a showcase that you can thicken up guitars
Black album sound? Try the Fredman micing technique :D Insta-huge tone! In the event you get the phase right, of course.

I dig the sound in the recording. Would be monstrous with bass behind it and tighter playing.
i think it's like impossible to judge a solo'd guitar... okay, maybe it could sound huge on it's own, but it doesn't help anything if it doesnt work in a mix
i think it's like impossible to judge a solo'd guitar... okay, maybe it could sound huge on it's own, but it doesn't help anything if it doesnt work in a mix

This is why I like to track guitars separate, and try to achieve the best tone, and layers possible. (obviously not with this since I just threw quick takes together)
Then, once you have your 6+ guitar tracks or however crazy you go with it, that's when you start punching holes in it and making it fit into a mix.
From my perspective, if you get a giant guitar sound by itself, it's much easier to trim the fat, so to say when putting into a mix.

As for above example I posted, i'm gonna just repost with drums and bass.
Seriously dude, you gotta double check the file you uploaded, its not even reach -12db

I compensate back by turning up my monitor level, what I hear is = over compression.

I've tweaked with it and it should eliminate the problem.