Huge problem here


Not very cerulean eh
Jan 26, 2003
Affligem, Belgium
I bought a Bloodbath shirt and an Ancient Rites poster on Ebay from Anders. I sent 50 euros to him in a registered mail.
Look what I got today...

hey gorik,

now check this out cuz we got a problem.
i just got yer letter, it was registered, so i signed it to get it out.
when i open it, there's no money in there.
but at a closer look, i see a small fragment of a bill in there (see photos).
the envelope had not been opened, so nobody could have stolen it... or if they did, how was it done?!?!
out of 100s of letters sent to me, i never seen this before.
dya have any explaination for this??? did u take out the money again???
since u sent it registered, maybe u can demand the money back.
the thing is i didnt get any money.


Anyone ever experienced something similar? What should I do??
Hmmm....thats wierd. Cant trust those crazy mailmen! If its registered you should be able to get your money back
Well I highly doubt that, cos how can I prove that I did put money in it?

What I don't understand is, it looks like the money has been CUT??? Cos there's still a lil piece of it left.
Some kind of ingenious mailman trick? :(
yes these mailmen are a clever folk. not sure what else you can do about it.
burn down the post office :devil:
Some banks have (i don't know it's english name but turkish meaning "imaginary") special credit card for using at internet based shopping.For example you need 50$ to buy an item.You can send 50$ to your special card from your account.This special card's number always changes.So none can use your special credit card number.It is very secure.
Wanderer said:
Some banks have (i don't know it's english name but turkish meaning "imaginary") special credit card for using at internet based shopping.For example you need 50$ to buy an item.You can send 50$ to your special card from your account.This special card's number always changes.So none can use your special credit card number.It is very secure.
Yeah, but "Anders" is not an online store. You can't use a credit card to pay him.
Wrap the money in tin foil. If they can see a strip on the x-ray they will find a way to open the thing. Tin foil will screw up the x-ray.
That's really fuckin' weird. Someone had to have figured out a way to make a cut so fine that it's not noticable or something. Maybe Anders should have another look at the envelope. That's sad, though.

Also, I don't think you can claim actual money in registered mail. You're usually given a receipt when you send something that way and in the small print it usually says money isn't coverable by the loss guarantee or whatever.
@ Cerulean, in this case I'm sorry to say, but you're fucked, cause Anders signed for the reception of the envelope. He thereby declared he received the letter "in good order" (= with the money in it). And how could he have done otherwise, there were no visual marks on the outside of the envelope, suggesting it had been opened to take the money out.

I'm saying this, cause the same thing happened to me once (last year). I picked up a registered letter -which should contain cash- from the postoffice, signed for it and when I came home I discovered the money had been stolen. On the backside there were actually marks showing quite obviously the envelope had been opened and glued shut again. I went to the postoffice to report the loss, but they couldn't help me cause I signed for receiving the letter 'in good order'. I'd been home in the meantime, so I could just as well have taken the money out myself.. It wasn't until then that I became more conscious and careful about signing for what I receive, so now I first make sure everything really is in order, before actually signing.
Hey Cerulean,
I feel bad about your situation......I have been there too.(very recently for money sent to poland).....I have learned to wrap my money folded up in paper and then tape it up (completely sealed)......then put it in a box with a cd and then write on the box that it is a CD.....

Sorry brother.....but it happens and there is probably nothing you can do now.....because it wasnt stolen, it made it where it was supposed to go....
There are things called international money orders that you can get from your bank or post office. Never ever ever ever, under any condition, send cash in an envelope...i've heard this story a thousand times and I always feel really bad for the payer because I hate thieves.
I have sent registered CASH in a letter to the USA only once (6 years ago I think), and guess what... it never arrived... However I got part of them money back ( 60% ) from the insurance, but had to wait like 4 months for it...

After that experience I have always sent cash in a normal letter, not registered... and guess what... it always arrived... Strange but true, just make it look like normal and hide it in tin paper and no problems occur...
Cerulean said:
Yeah, thing is, a registered mail always contains something of value, so thieves will pay more attention to them than to regular envelopes. I think.

The first time I sent cash to POLAND I did it unregistered....thinking it would be less got stolen.......then I sent it registered and it made it there......I dont know which one is better to tell you the either way is risky buisness....