Huge question


New Metal Member
Feb 1, 2010
Okay, so I mentioned in an earlier post that I am using a Tascam DP-008. I know it's not a great machine, but it works somewhat well. Here's the issue though, it only has 2 XLR inputs, and 2 tracks of simultaneous recording. So my question is, if I were to plug in a Behringer 1204 that I have, with 4 XLR ins, would I be able to run that into the DP-008 and record the 4 mics, or would it still just be the 2 tracks with 4 mics recording them? Would it overload the machine? I am doing my best to record with what I've got (which isn't much). We're only doing a simple demo, so it doesn't need to be great quality (we're going into a pro studio in July), but we want it to be as good as possible.

Noteworthy: I am running a regular old PC with XP. I have access to Cubase (multiple versions), Logic (on my guitarists mac), Adobe Audition 1.5 and 3.0, and Audacity (blech!)
You will have the 4 mics but they will on 2 channels and you won't be able to edit anything individually, just what you can change by additive/subtractive EQ and compression, so make sure you like the sounds that are going in cause you're not gonna be able to change much later