recording guitar questions please help


New Metal Member
Feb 1, 2010
Okay, so, first and foremost, I am poor. I am recording my bands EP on a Tascam DP-008, I know that it's not gonna sound the greatest, but it's all I can afford.
What I am wondering is if there is a way I can, for lack of better words, reamp my guitars using this device.
Basically, what I have is a clean guitar sound straight from the tascam in .wav format, that I load into Adobe Audition 3. Are there any programs, or VST plug-ins I can use to reamp without worrying about dropping yet more money on a new DAW.
We really don't have much time to get this done, so I want to figure something out soon. If I absolutely have to, I can mic my amps and record that way, I was just hoping for an easier way to record my guitar parts at home.
hey man
for PC's theres alota free amp sims
but for mac your basically fucked
theres maybe like..1 or 2 but they blow IMO

to re-amp, you would lead ATLEAST a monitor out on your device
and in which case ( if im not mistaken )
the Tascam DP-008 doesnt
maybe, sell the tascam and buy like a Spike mackie or something really cheap

if something has a monitor out for your monitor speakers,
you could just use a patch cable and plug it from the monitor out to where you plug your guitar into your amp and then mic the amp and go into an XLR insert

thats about your only bets
maybe you should rent something man
There is outputs on it but there RCA...If your talking about reamping through software then just google the free amp sims theres a ton of far as real reamping i have no idea if your able to do it with RCA outputs
If I were you I would dump your recorded .wav files to your PC, and then pull them into a DAW like Reaper. Then use some of the Freely available VST amps, and impulses for cabs. It might take time to get used to, but it will definitely work. As far as real reamping you would definitely need different equipment.

Reaper is not free but does have an open ended evaluation period so you will have plenty of time to figure out if it will work for you, and if it does the personal license is only 60 bucks. Unless of course you are making $20,000 or more on your recording then you need to buy the commercial license.

Here is also a link to a forum dedicated to amp modeling. Commercial, and freeware. Good people, and tons of help.
awesome, thanks to everyone. I'm just playin around with the LePou 456 on Audition 1.5 (for some reason my 3.0 won't allow regular VST), and it's working relatively easy. I will probably be looking into Reaper soon, but want to have the $60 ready if I end up liking it, and until income taxes come back, all of my money is elsewhere.