The mind of the Earth has its stimulants. We rotate around the Sun, it creates seasons. The decision to have seasons is because of a stimulant, but the mind of the Earth because of its constituents is likely to change seasons because it cannot choose to NOT have a season unless its stimulants decide otherwise.
Likewise, with us, our minds are bound by other minds as well. But there is something fundamentally different about us. We have the ability to manipulate our constituents to interpret the stimulants in different ways. This is all sentience is, and which is why I decided to leave it out of the equation because we must admit that while we can be bound to the stimulants of the Earth and the universe, so also are we a stimulant to the constituents of the Earth and the universe. In this way, as we are constituents of the Earth, the Earth is a constituent of the solar system, and that the galaxy, and that the universe, and that the multiverse (Debatable, I know, but I believe its there because of Gnostic literature).
It was said to me recently "Do not contemplate, perceive instead.". But we CAN find new ways to perceive by contemplating