Humans; quite possibly the dumbest creatures on this planet

I unfortunatly can't drink beer, so my alternatives are Malt beverages or long drinks.
Its kinda hard to mix a drink when you're out playing disc golf though.
So malt beverages it is.
I know I'll get flak, but here is my bro drink of choice.


They make one with 12% alcohol content! Thats the one I drink but I can't seem to find a pic online for it.
oh well

Why can't you drink beer? :(
Why can't you drink beer? :(
I don't know what it is that causes it, but I'll drink one beer and get instant indigestion. The kind where you feel like you've just become a human water bed thats been over filled and has not relief valve. Not all do that to me but nine times out of ten thats the case, so its just safer that I don't drink it. Its a bummer cause I like the flavor of beer.

Looks to me that the squirrels were dumber...

Don't forget those damn Weasels.
I don't know what it is that causes it, but I'll drink one beer and get instant indigestion. The kind where you feel like you've just become a human water bed thats been over filled and has not relief valve. Not all do that to me but nine times out of ten thats the case, so its just safer that I don't drink it. Its a bummer cause I like the flavor of beer.
I'm guessing it's the fermentation that does it. Shame though, you're missing out ;)
I'm guessing it's the fermentation that does it. Shame though, you're missing out ;)

Well its all gut rot, whether its beer, wine, or otherwise.
Sometimes (very rare) I'll be in the mood for an Iced Cold beer. I'll grab whatever is accross (generally I'll pick something at random, Mostly a Great White) the street at our local quik'e mart and enjoy the hell out of it. It'll go down like liquid sex. I'll feel uber refreshed until a few minutes have passed.
Then I curl up and die. So yeah, like I said I enjoy the flavor and am willing to try any beer. However the consequences outweigh the pleasure. :(
I think they should lower the price. This is actually a perfect blend of Good and Bad and I think we should have more things like this all over the world (For reduced prices, of course). Most of you don't understand but this is a very crucial element in our superiority. The night is coming and we need to accept that there's not going to be any more good things unless we make them. Things aren't just gonna be good or bad, they're going to take you to school and you're going to learn damn well that neutrality is prime over good or evil separately.

I despise the fact that nobody here would give a shit. I am jealous of my loss. I cannot have peace of mind. But at least I admit it.

The mind is God. We have one, the world has one, the universe has one. We all work into consciousness and that is God, this much I've realized. People who claim to be God are fools, but they are not wrong in a way. But in the other ways is how they become demi-gods under our true nature, to which the Godhead belongs. Do not forget this wisdom.

In the days ahead, you will realize that when you put faith in your wisdom that tells you the knowledge of your divine right to the Godhead, the Godhead in you will realize the Godhead around you. God knows God. It is a person like it is the works. It is a mind like it is the evidence of sentience.

Nobody gets the fucking point, but you HAVE to be evil when you know things you're trying to do might be evil. You can't lie to yourselves anymore and say "Well this evil thing is actually good because I want it". FUCK NO. It's evil and you should be happy that you have the ability to be evil.

It's just another form of happiness. So smile next time you kick that dog out of your way. Smile when you laugh at the cripple.

When you do good things, they are good things. No good thing can be evil, but an evil act can be the perception of evil. So if you perceive evil, smile at the perception of evil. Reveal truth at all costs. The Godhead belongs to us, do not let them keep it.
Thread has been Resonator'd.


Also Nevermoron'd. Don't lie to yourself.

I wanna repost something I posted elsewhere:

The mind of the Earth has its stimulants. We rotate around the Sun, it creates seasons. The decision to have seasons is because of a stimulant, but the mind of the Earth because of its constituents is likely to change seasons because it cannot choose to NOT have a season unless its stimulants decide otherwise.

Likewise, with us, our minds are bound by other minds as well. But there is something fundamentally different about us. We have the ability to manipulate our constituents to interpret the stimulants in different ways. This is all sentience is, and which is why I decided to leave it out of the equation because we must admit that while we can be bound to the stimulants of the Earth and the universe, so also are we a stimulant to the constituents of the Earth and the universe. In this way, as we are constituents of the Earth, the Earth is a constituent of the solar system, and that the galaxy, and that the universe, and that the multiverse (Debatable, I know, but I believe its there because of Gnostic literature).

It was said to me recently "Do not contemplate, perceive instead.". But we CAN find new ways to perceive by contemplating