Hungry? Vinyl will serve food at PPUSA


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
Hungry? The venue will serve food Wednesday-Saturday for #ppusa attendees. Place your order at the bar within Vinyl.


What did everyone think of the food in Vinyl this year?
I just got a basket of fries, which was a life-saver on Wednesday night and kept me from passing out. We had lunch on the road, got in, checked in to our hotel, and by the time Kamelot was about to start, I was starving because I hadn't eaten anything since 12:30 or so. I'm so glad they served food! And the fries were pretty damn delicious. :)
What did everyone think of the food in Vinyl this year?

I had the chicken sandwich twice. It was actually really good. I had it the second time instead of going out somewhere to save time. They had a pretty good system going on in Vinyl's.
I ordered food from there once, because my blood sugar was going low. Foced me to miss almost all of Amaranthe, though. Honestly, I should have run to Vespucci's. Would have been quicker and cheaper.
What did everyone think of the food in Vinyl this year?

Pulled pork sandwiches were tasty. There was some confusion about the option to have items on a platter with salad rather than on a bun, wife tried to order that way twice (she can't have gluten) and it always came out on a bun. Not a big deal, she just ate the parts she could.

It was definitely nice to have more options than in the past, I hope that continues to the future.
I had the pulled pork sandwich and fries, which was actually well above average. It wasn't cheap, but it wasn't expensive either. I would rather pay $10 for decent food than $5 for some crap. Mine came out really quick but then I timed it well as I was sitting there drinking anyway.
I had the chicken sandwich twice. It was actually really good. I had it the second time instead of going out somewhere to save time. They had a pretty good system going on in Vinyl's.

same here + Sabrina too! LOVED this idea, parking is a nightmare and it was a blast to just stay at the fest. maybe next year they can have a bigger menu too? maybe even advertise there is food there more? I told as many people as I could that the food was good and I even think they sold out of fries at one point :)
Just curious...was anyone able to place/get their order during the changeover in between bands, or do you pretty much have to skip part of a set? The food actually looked good, but that was my biggest hang-up.
Just curious...was anyone able to place/get their order during the changeover in between bands, or do you pretty much have to skip part of a set? The food actually looked good, but that was my biggest hang-up.

Took 15 minutes during the wait for Sx, on a B double E double R un.