Question on Outside Food


Madness Reigns
Mar 23, 2006
I’m not sure of the reason for the ban on outside food – it doesn’t appear to be a $$$ decision on the part of the venue, since they don’t normally serve food at other shows.

Would it work to let people bring in food from outside restaurants say, after 5 p.m. (to avoid the rush when people are trying to enter the venue) for a cash fee, maybe $5? The funds could either go to charity (such as Metalheads for Life) or could be split between the venue and a charity.

I’d pay a few extra bucks in a heartbeat in order to be able to grab dinner without missing a band. (On Saturday, I bought a piece of pizza at the venue, but must have gotten the last one in the box. :ill:)

Is it a legal issue - like the venue is afraid that I might get food poisoning from my Subway sandwich and then sue Center Stage in an effort to fund my retirement? :goggly:
I think its just uncommon sense! That is all! You could also get sick from that last slice you bought, or you could get drunk out of your ass and fall in the bathroom and sue the venue!! Although in that bathroom I would be more concerned about infections.....i think it is just plain uncommon sense.