Huntenpop 31/08/2002 Who's coming?


all the way
Dec 30, 2001
I was wondering if anyone of you guys will go the Huntenpop-gig in Holland. Well I'll go for certain, and Heiko normally too, but anyone else? D3vlin? Or are you still in Greece?

Lemme know if you need transportation. (if it's possible I can help you)
Anathema's main site(Mega's) has a link to the Huntenpop Festival...Look under "dates".
Originally posted by dougie
Anathema's main site(Mega's) has a link to the Huntenpop Festival...Look under "dates".

Well thanks , but all i can see at the page is a dutch blahblah not very informative ;)

Is the site down or what?
Originally posted by Don Corleone
im saving all my enthusiasm (and money of bloody course) for dynamo next year. but of course there are many other things in holland that you have to save your enthusiasm and money for. :)

I might drop by there too! Believe me, I do wanna taste all those 'space cakes' and 'magic mushrooms' very soon!
Originally posted by Lenore

Well thanks , but all i can see at the page is a dutch blahblah not very informative ;)

Is the site down or what?
Nah, those guys just didn't think much about international users, so let me help you:

if you go to you will see a box in the lower left corner, where you see a link in red characters stating "open Huntenpop website". If you translate that to English, it says... the same :p Click there and you get a flash page.

If you want to know who is going to play there together with Anathema, click on "Zaterdag" (which means "Saturday"). There's a bunch of bands mentioned there, and on the right side of the box, there's a kind of scrollbar.
Next to Anathema, there are tons of other rock bands. I know Arid, Peter Pan Speedrock, Ozark Henry and Dreadlock Pussy. Apart from that last one, they're all pretty ok. We'll have to see about the rest.

If you wanna know how to get there, click on "Route" (at the bottom of the box). There are two maps there, and a short description that says:

By car:

Utrecht/Arnhem, A12 direction Oberhausen, exit Doetinchem (A18), exit Terborg, at traffic lights to the right direction of Terborg, at 3rd traffic lights to the righ, at roundabout to the right, follow the panels.

By public transport:

Reservate taxi from trainstation Doetinchem and go back with Taxi company Bussink (phone:) 06-53311702, also for larger groups.

There you go. See you there.
Hihihi i must be kinda blind , i haven t noticed the "enter website" link ;)

Anyway , many thanks for the informations Heiko -

I know any of the bands playing , pity !

Thanx again ;)

Originally posted by ashure

I might drop by there too! Believe me, I do wanna taste all those 'space cakes' and 'magic mushrooms' very soon!

"magic mushrooms???? space cakes???? but, but, our plan was to travel all the museums and go to sleep in our hostels at 9 am after drinking our milk!" ;)

we'll probably be four people on interrail. you are always welcome. but of course our main focus is on holland of course.
Originally posted by Don Corleone

"magic mushrooms???? space cakes???? but, but, our plan was to travel all the museums and go to sleep in our hostels at 9 am after drinking our milk!" ;)

we'll probably be four people on interrail. you are always welcome. but of course our main focus is on holland of course.

is this an offer? :p
well as a matter of fact I'm dying for interrail but none of my friends are that "brave" :mad: and "crazy" :D
but why not you said we'll wait and see for the future :cool: