Hunting out of Exodus, Bostaph in


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Check this one.

This has been another dreadfully difficult time here
in the exodus world…this is one of the most depressing
moments of my musical career…I‘m saddened to announce
that Tom Hunting has fallen very ill, he’s been
hospitalized several times over the course of the last
two months. First things first! I need to be very
clear about this before any rumors arise….this is in
NO WAY associated to drugs…Tom had conquered his drug
addiction well over a year ago and we are all very
very proud of him for the unbelievable amount of
strength and desire that it took to get and stay

Our unfortunate reality at the moment is, the
recording of the new album has been delayed due to
Tom’s illness and recently it became evident that he
would be unable to resume his duties behind the kit
for us. …. Tom and the band both know he cannot
continue as our drummer and his health must come
before any obligations to the band. We have and will
continue to support Tom in any way we can so he can
regain his health.
We all love and care for Tom dearly and will continue
to help him in every way that we can….by no means
was Tom fired or nor did Tom quit the band …the
sad fact is that Tom is not able to play drums
at this time….and we (Exodus) have got to carry on
without him….

On a brighter note I'd like to take this time to
welcome to our ranks as the newest member of Exodus,”
Paul Bostaph” (Slayer, Forbidden) We could not be any
luckier than to have as awesome a drummer as Paul
available and living in our own backyard. I am stoked
about working with Paul as he is, bar none, one of the
best drummers in the world, and we are fired up to
have someone with his ability coming aboard.
Obviously, the tracking of the new record will be
delayed, but we are committed to hitting the studio
ASAP. The songs are fuckin' savage and a perfect fit
for Paul's style of drumming.

As soon as we get into the studio and start tracking I
will keep everyone updated on how things are going via
the exodus message board… goal will be to give a
daily studio report…..and before you know it maybe a
few sound clips will be made available to hold you
over until the September release…
I read this on Blabbermouth this morning. Hope he pulls through. Paul is a great replacement, hell of a drummer...
I'm excited about the record that they are working on, even if Zetro isn't on it.
I'm also looking forward to the reissue of Bonded by Blood that they are supposed to be releasing in the near future...
Well, Paul is a fitting replacement for the band. He'll work nicely. As for Tomm, that sucks to hear, especially after just hearing about David Wayne's passing, now THIS! Jesus! Well, i really hope Tom gets better and full recovers with whatever he's fighting. Hang in there, brother.
So the band has no original members left at the moment? Eeeewwwweeeiirdss. Hope he gets well soon!