Hurricane Rita


Jan 3, 2003
Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Just wanted to take a second from all of our talk of this great weekend we all just had to say to any peeps, friends and family that we have out there in the Texas gulf area that will be affected by Rita to take care. As well to any that might have had trouble in south Florida the past few days.

I pray that there is not the destruction that the people in NO went thru with Katrina. There has been enough. I esp. feel for the people that were displaced to TX and must now be moved yet again.

Everyone take care! :)

As soon as my sister gets here we are getting the HECK out of town. Boo hurricanes. We have quite a large crowd from the Houston area that attends PP every year. I hope they are all getting out as well! :)
Man that sucks. Tess, Annie, Bobby, Angela and the rest of the Houston peoples be safe!!Come to Cali, we'll take care of ya!!! :D

Bear said:
Man that sucks. Tess, Annie, Bobby, Angela and the rest of the Houston peoples be safe!!Come to Cali, we'll take care of ya!!! :D


Annie and I are actually heading to DENMARK! Thanks for the offer though :loco:
Craziness....Tess and Annie and Andrew and Alonzo and Stride and Outworld...well those were the only people I met, but everyone, good luck, hopefully it'll weaken some or turn around or guys can come visit me at school if you need \m/

even though i'm all far
Hey this is Joel from Stride...Mike and his wife and newborn baby did evacuate to San Antonio today. As for the rest of us, we are going to try and ride it out the best we can....So just keep your fingers crossed and keep your prayers with us and our buds in Outworld. Thanks again to all of our fans for their undying support at Prog Power this year ...we all had an INCREDIBLE time!!!
Joel Gregoire said:
Hey this is Joel from Stride...Mike and his wife and newborn baby did evacuate to San Antonio today. As for the rest of us, we are going to try and ride it out the best we can....So just keep your fingers crossed and keep your prayers with us and our buds in Outworld. Thanks again to all of our fans for their undying support at Prog Power this year ...we all had an INCREDIBLE time!!!

Our thoughts will be with all you guys for sure. Be careful. If you DO need to evacuate, come to Chicago. No hurricanes here...
guardian26 said:
Packing! Ugh, I will have to bring a suitcase full of shoes.

Sorry. There is only room for ONE Matilda on our flight buddy!! Bring a suitcase full of work "stuff" instead :D
