Hurricanes are sexy

lizard said:
most of you couldn't walk down the mean streets of Columbus and survive.
myself included. ive honestly never felt more threatened than while riding a bike around certain parts of c-bus. heh, and when my friend lived in german village he told me, "under no circumstances are we to go two blocks east." one time we did, and it was not pleasant.
Doomcifer said:
Exactly. LOL I'm used to it, 'cuz I'm in the thick of the ghetto everyday, not to mention where I grew up, but I wanna see most of you walk down some of these streets in Southside Providence or Olneyville. :tickled: It would be a culture-shock, to say the least.

Somtimes when me and pals get pretty damn drunk we wander around boston doing things like: Dude lets go get pizza in THAT DIRRECTION *seig heil open hand salute in direction of pizza parlor*, dude, the T stop is in THAT DIRECTION! *again*. We also did this and sang WITH HONOR AND LOYALTY! WHITE NATIONAL SOCIALIST! YOU CAN BE A! WHITE NATIONAL SOCIALIST!. I'm zero percent exagerating as well. I guess people just new we where really drunk.