
check out my dumb band
i busted out some old school thrash and i stumbled across my HYDRA VEIN "rather death than false of faith" lp. i dont give a shit about lyrics, but some of theirs caught my ear...sounds like they could be christian...does anyone know if they were a christian thrash band? if so, they could fuckin rip it up for biblethumpers.

and if you never heard them...GET THEM!
Sorry to disabuse you of that notion, fellers, but we are/were dyed-in-the-wool atheists. Occasionally, I'd make use of a "character", lyrically, but we weren't a band full of God-botherers.

If you're interested, by the way, both "Rather Death ..." and "After The Dream" have been remixed/remastered this year and are due to be re-issued on CD by Blackend Records on Jan 21st, 2008.

In the meantime, you can satisfy yourself there's no evangelical nonsense in our songs by checking the lyrics at the following link:


That's nice to hear, thanks. As it goes, both albums are included on the one CD and the remixes of the "Rather Death ..." stuff have turned out pretty well (considering the master tapes were falling to pieces). Be seeing you.