The Nightmare Has Begun..
by Lance King on Friday, May 27, 2011 at 3:25pm

First let me set the record strait, I was brought up by liberals, and I'm now conservative, I would say I'm fairly close to center, but am for sure on the right, however there are some ideals that I still champion, and nature is one of them, I LOVE THE EARTH and I love being in nature. Water is life and brings it forth throughout everything it touches. Where there is no water, there is little or no life. I'm a musical entrepreneur, so I have found one of the more difficult ways to make a buck in my life, I've had to be very smart in my decisions, since I did not choose a regular job that pays out a set amount of money each week, I've done pretty well, I work on my own, and support my family of four with this, and it's quite rewarding on many levels and I love what I do. Through an interesting and varied life so far, I've learned quite a few lessons the hard way, I won't get into how all of that plays into my theory below, but this is the best way as of today that I can explain why I embrace the concept of being green, yet reject the version being sold.

It doesn't matter if you believe in climate change or not, that really is a non issue, that is the distraction that people are caught up into missing the real agenda.

As with all the best lies, you need to mix it with truth, what makes this lie one of the best the world has ever known and biggest possible evil, is that people all want to be kind to the earth, so the manipulation is not only an easy sell but a great way to make mind boggling amount of money! Even to create a small yet extremely disproportionate positive outcome! Certainly NOT in humanities best interests, but rather regulated in such a way as to not give too much, and to create a grossly overblown way to create the next big cash cow for the worlds economies, or so they will no doubt eventually lead us to believe.

My whole argument regarding global climate change is NOT that we shouldn't take steps toward cleaning up our act, BUT rather be FULLY AWARE of the motivation behind the movement that is championing it, for all eyes to be opened, to the REAL things that will make a differences NOT JUST the ones that will be marketed to us and programmed into the mass consciousness by the media and government from our young minds in schools to every television network. Yes, corporations stand to benefit from green technology, yes economies could in a small way benefit from it, and a HUGE YES that Governments and likely politicians will benefit from the direction they are going with this movement.

What is he on about you ask?

HYDROGEN gas, it comes from water, in it's refinement and it's burning, the ONLY emission is oxygen and water, these two elements go back into the biosphere and create more H2O! The PERFECT renewable resource for all kinds of power that is being run right now on OIL. And yes between solar, battery and water, and in some cases a mix of gasoline we can run ANY engine already built with few modifications VERY EASILY. Not to mention easily making the fuel ourselves either at home with a simple system hooked up to a hose and tap water, but also it could be designed to be on board the vehicle, converting water from an on board tank as you use it. And guess what? it's extremely efficient, you don't need that much water to make quite a bit of hydrogen.

They (the green movement) want you to believe that hydrogen car development will take 20 or more years to develop and yet the knowledge has been around since the 50s. Look at these links to see all kinds of video links pertaining to world activities on this.

Just search HYDROGEN CARS on Youtube for all kinds of goodies from the car companies and cool independents that are telling you what they've done.

Dependency on oil will end by 2012 (Water cars)


Obama Kills Hydrogen Car Funding (interesting recent facts here)


Hydrogen fuel stations ( Hmmm WHY? ) if the link does not work it's just a search link on youtube for the headline!


THE WATER CAR (but Stan was poisoned, and his car and tech stolen?)



Here are all his schematics to build from!


Why you are not driving a hydrogen car, Part 2

Who's Killing the Hydrogen Car?

YES You don't need fresh water, you can turn salt water into Hydrogen too!



instead of from water, or so they would have us believe


Yes we have the tech now to do this....as I've clearly shown in the links above... so

Why would they want to prolong this technologies arrival to the market place? And are working

with car companies to provide hybrid solutions?

It's really pretty simple....They have to buy time in order to develop an infrastructure that will support the way they want to monetize it.

Translation (They want to control it and come up with ways to make money from the way the world consumes it ) Because it's something that could easily slip from their grasp if a large population of humanity knew more about this.

What other possible motivations?

Well IF you eliminate the cost of fuel for all travel, and shipped goods, do you have any idea how this would effect our economy?

The effect WOULD BE HUGE, since OIL is the biggest part of the economic equation internationally.

Why would the government NOT want this? Simple.... IF EVERYTHING costs FAR less, and they are not getting ANY tax dollars from FUEL and far less tax dollars for ALL items available on the shelves in the marketplace, what would they have to work with in the treasury ??? Answer = a GREAT deal less!

Government would be FORCED to be smaller, and as everyone knows, this is not really what Government wants.

THIS RIGHT HERE I personally believe is the biggest answer for our "economy recovery world wide", and the greatest by product worldwide would be that, we cut down dramatically on use of fossil fuels, a positive for the environment and it will force governments to work within their means, giving a higher accountability to excess spending, and bring a big change to the amount corrupt lobbying monies flowing into corrupt politicians pockets. The side effect of these things could be simply world changing on every possible level.

THIS right here, combined with VOTER FRAUD regulations and having ONE unified system that will help to tame the manipulation of those that enter as our higher public movers and shakers....should be our ONLY focus for the next elections. When these are dealt with, other things will start to fall into place for an ethic's based system again throughout the world.

So in summation, The questions really are:

Why would it take so long?

Why hasn't it been implemented decades ago?

Why are they playing with solar / wind and pretending it's viable?

Why will it only be available as a hybrid? etc.

I think I've addressed those things above, please DON'T ALLOW this to be A CASH COW people, this is FREE or darn close to it!

At least this is my theory on what we should be aware of, and focus on. We should DEMAND our right to this FREE energy, and we should DEMAND our right to having elections be fair and NOT easily manipulated, we should DEMAND accountability and fair practices in business and in government.

Opinion Piece by Lance King,

(not an expert on Big Oil, Government, hydrogen, economics or the ecology, but an avid user of all of these things.)
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