Hyping a rivalry which doesn't actually exist

Anathema: 18231 posts, 651 threads
maudlin of the Well: 18232 posts, 1363 threads

Totally toppled by the 747s of SUP SLUTZ, recipe, and rabbit posts.

I heard an interview of one of the writerz from The Onion this morning on AM radio, and the hosts were all like, "So, explain to everyone that these articles are not real, ok!" and "You guys are crazy!"

If I had been the Onion guy, I would've wrote an article about it:

Morning Drive DJ Finally Understands Sarcasm

or something. OK, you come up with a better one.

but it reminded me of when they were writing around the September 11th stuff last year, and how brutal they were- nothing is sacred, which is partly why they rule.