Hypocrisy at the Showcase


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
First time I've seen Hypocrisy, rarely do you get a chance to see bands like this out in California, especially headlining. Last time I went to a black metal show was when At The Gates and Dissection opened up for Morbid Angel back in... '95?

Songs that I remember:

Fractured Millenium
Don't Judge Me
Public Puppet
The 4th Dimension
Penetralia (?)
Pleasure of Molestation
Fire in the Sky
The Final Chapter
Roswell '47

Intense show, a little sound problems at first (typical for the Showcase) but overall a great show. Nice mix, heard a little from every album. I was almost expecting Peter to be a real recluse on stage (being the genius that he is I assumed a shy personality for some reason) but he was enthusiastic, thanking the crowd all the time, really a cool guy. I don't think Mikael stopped headbanging for more than a second or two, it was nice to actually hear his bass for once. :) Lars played effortlessly, I love to watch a drummer play that fast without moving much. The other guitarist (live only guy, don't know his name) was good, nice to hear harmonized solos live. Overall a great show, I'm really glad I was able to see such an incredible band in such a small venue. They were giving the crowd thumbs-up whenever we screamed, I always love a band that loves their fans. Who knows when I'll get a chance to see them again out here, hopefully I won't have to wait TOO long.
Soilwork sucked IMO....boring. Guitar work was stellar, but the songs bored me to tears, and the singer sounded like Phil Anselmo live......Hyposcrisy was great, but the new songs blew (only played 2 ne ones, so :))

and NAD, there are a shitload of BM shows in the LA to San Diego area, if you're willing to go to really underground shows. I;ve been to about5 or 6 since April
I didn't think Soilwork was all that hot, Killswitch Engage was a little better. Hypocrisy kicked ass, of course. :rock:

Yeah dude in the Opeth shirt, I saw you. I always remember those that wear Opeth stuff. :) I was wearing a TOOL shirt with the big embryo looking shit on the back. Small Filipino chick with me.

What I meant about the black metal shows was you don't see too many of the European black metal bands out here, like Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, etc. Or perhaps maybe I'm just not in the concert connection!!!

I like the new shit. It's not as good as the older stuff, but I think it's better than In The Abyss (which isn't bad, just not nearly as good as the others). It is quite a bit different though, so I understand if some fans don't like it.
I was wearing the Judas Iscariot "Heaven in Flames" shirt and was with the cute short girl in the Isengard shirt, btw, if anyone saw me....Hey Artificial, I saw you there....prompted my friends and I to start arguing about Opeth (my favorite band)
yeah, NAD, I know what you mean....there are alot of underground local shows....since April I've seen Noctuary/Stormbringer, Rise/Stormbringer/Infitum Obscure, Sumeria/Stormbringer/Nema, Hypocrisy, and a few other si'm not thinking clearly on right now.....
The show was fucking rad. I enjoyed Soilwork. I really wish the Key Club show would of happened cause the sound at the Showcase blows compared. I've been on that stage, the monitors suck. Too bad Soilwork had lots of sound poroblems like the bass cutting out and such. Hypocrisy kicked my ass. They were rad. I'm so glad I went. I was bumed I didn't get to meet Peter. I met Mikael and Larz. I took off for 15 minutes and that's when Peter got off the bus and I wasn't around. FUCKING FUCKITY!!!

I was towards the front wearing a Monstrosity "In Dark Purity" shirt. I was also handing out flyers for my band ARTISAN to the crowd. I know it'll be a long while before they come back I'm sure. I will try to sustain until then. \M/

Heavy heavy Heavy heavy regards,

MAN this show kicked my ass (Soilwork & Hypocrisy both). Soilwork's guitar work was amazing live, even in such a dumpy venue. Hypocrisy's constant headbanging on-stage was rad. They played such a good variety of songs. I liked the fact that Andreas wore his sharpie ink with pride. Whenever someone falls asleep, they suffer the wrath of the sharpie!!! Anyway, I was there....long brown hair, Hypocrisy longsleeve around my waist, tanktop & shorts...and I'm a girl, in case that helps narrow it down. Was standing with my bassplayer (above). Oh yeah, OPETH rules! ..and there are a good amount of Black Metal shows here. Just had to comment on the previous entries.

Guitars, ARTISAN
Anybody record this show on video? I remember trading with a guy who would record shows over there (I'm watching a Napalm Death concert right now from there). Sounds like a fun show to check out.
