I thought the song was ok, but definately not one of their best depressive songs. Im glad its was not the last song on the album. all Turns black is the ultimate for last song/depressive hypo tracks for me.
Yes, I admit that Hypocrisy has better songs, but this is definite one of their 'must have' songs...And Firefest is right, All turns black really is top of their depressive songs, but all in all...they are all great..so, we don't need to argue any more...:)
And b.t.w., SEDITIOUS wrote:Worries of death...I think it's worriors of death, but it's minor thing....
Well, Warriors of death is all good sentence, so it doesn't metter what he says in next line, thats no wrong at all, and I'm really sure that he sad 'Warriors of death'....Yes, I admit that worries of death also can be, but it doesn't sounds like that...and it's almost impossible to recognise what does he sad....So dont be angry, it is just my opinion, and I really think you're doing great job about all the lyrics!! So, rule on...;-)
TheFlameout said:
I think it is "The Sky turns black" (maybe also red)

aye, any wonder we had that confusion -- I put em side by side ,and it sounds like the first is red and the second is black :cool:

here's another crack at the whole thing, with the help of a mate --

Take me from here.
The plague have begun.
A cold wind of death
swept up the Earth.
Silence and darkness
give it the final cliché.
The sky turns red
and the ancients are flying by.

Warriors of death
has come to march
There's no turning back.
A disease, they're growing strong.
Silence and darkness
give it the final cliché.
The sky turns black
and the ancients are flying by.

...flying by.

Slow steps. Black silent deaths.
Choose eternal lies.
Genocide, torture?d?, murder, deaths
It is mutual. The universe is to revenge.

A dark shadow blanket the Earth.
He has returned.
To stop their pursuits again.
It will last his revenge.

It is his revenge.

It is his revenge.

You sounded consumed with fear
Life has only begun.
Death comes tumbling...
Nowhere to run!!
Nowhere to hide!!
Nowhere to run!!
Ok now...that's something...You did a great job, maybe it's without mistake, and I'm really glad you did it...Don't know how many times you've listened this song, maybe you don't want to hear it once more in your whole life, but I'm really grateful to you,'cause I like this song very much, and I understand it very little....So...THANKS...So this could be my last post in this topic, because it was about lyrics that's now complete, so we'll probable see each other in some other topis...Enjoy