i <3 josh (a must read thread)


Overly-Cryptic Jake
we have the best AIM convo's ever -

Triakis fasciata: man I just had a full std test today
indieradioisdead: WHAT
Triakis fasciata: not because I was worried about anything
Triakis fasciata: just because it's been a while
Triakis fasciata: like, 5 years
Triakis fasciata: anyway, if you ever do that, and they ask you if you want to participate in a study, SAY NO
indieradioisdead: haha
indieradioisdead: long test?
Triakis fasciata: well, they had to do everything twice
indieradioisdead: oh man
Triakis fasciata: so. 2 urethral swabs
indieradioisdead: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
indieradioisdead: the worst
Triakis fasciata: SO NOT WORTH THE $10 CVS GIFT CARD
indieradioisdead: no shit
indieradioisdead: man do those hurt
Triakis fasciata: NO KIDDING
Triakis fasciata: she was all trying to dsitract me, too
Triakis fasciata: 'what's your tattoo of?'
Triakis fasciata: 'oh, it's a watering caAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'
indieradioisdead: hahaha
indieradioisdead: man,
indieradioisdead: the worst
indieradioisdead: i had that done by a med student... i was 18... she was probably 22...
indieradioisdead: ...even worst
Triakis fasciata: OH NO!!
indieradioisdead: yeah
Triakis fasciata: was she cute??
indieradioisdead: ...and i had to go in because i had some sort of probelm... it wasn't an STD, but an infection
indieradioisdead: ...kinda
Triakis fasciata: SHIT
indieradioisdead: oh yeah
indieradioisdead: i... i don't want to relive it anymore
indieradioisdead: steph still laughs at me about it
Triakis fasciata: aight dude. I am out
indieradioisdead: haha
indieradioisdead: fine
Triakis fasciata: yeah
indieradioisdead: after i expose mysef like that
Triakis fasciata: hey, I did too!
indieradioisdead: it's true
indieradioisdead: ...i mean, you had it twice in one day
indieradioisdead: so... we are even
Triakis fasciata: I had it twice in one minute!!
indieradioisdead: HAHAHA
indieradioisdead: aida is wondering why i'm laughing out loud
Triakis fasciata: I was all like 'can I change my mind???'
Triakis fasciata: "NO"
indieradioisdead: haha
Triakis fasciata: "here's your CVS gift card"
what I want to know is why everyone else seems to get blood or something tests and my STD tests are always "let's stick a sharpened fountain pen in your urethra and scrape it round".
they didnt distract me, they said "this may hurt a pinch." you also can't pee for sometime before you get it done, so afterwards you really gotta wizz. it hurt too bad to do it there, so i ended up at a walmart bathroom. open the door to the restroom, seemingly no one there, turn the corner, some guy is taking a dump with the stall door open, smoking a cigarette. kinda creepy, but i had to go. i sat down next door (i couldnt stand) and:







repeat. who's creepy now?