Hell Mike fuck melodic black metal Aug 22, 2003 9,124 182 63 39 Norrland www.nasheim.se Nov 19, 2005 #1 jag är en rolig fan
NAD What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse Jun 5, 2002 38,465 1,171 113 Kandarian Ruins Nov 19, 2005 #3
Claws of Perdition Wipes sitting down Jul 7, 2005 2,466 4 38 Australia, not Austria www.redmeat.com Nov 20, 2005 #4 That dog looks like it's trying to have it's way with him
Conspicuously Absent Linguistically Confused Mar 27, 2005 8,760 4 38 Berlin Nov 20, 2005 #6 if the dog is having his way with him... does that meant he ducks are dirty bastards watching the porn unfold?
if the dog is having his way with him... does that meant he ducks are dirty bastards watching the porn unfold?
Claws of Perdition Wipes sitting down Jul 7, 2005 2,466 4 38 Australia, not Austria www.redmeat.com Nov 20, 2005 #7 Thats true, I didn't even notice them until you mentioned them. Chevy Chase looks pretty happy with whats going on, obviously not his first time with a golden retriever.
Thats true, I didn't even notice them until you mentioned them. Chevy Chase looks pretty happy with whats going on, obviously not his first time with a golden retriever.