I am a stupid man.

I once put a hole through a wall in my living room. After I calmed down, I was like, "Fuck, how am I going to fix that?". I am seriously not good at fixing anything. I did a good job at patching it up, aside from the fact that the paint was a slightly different colour. Luckily, the landlord never noticed, and I got my security deposit back.
Spike said:
DON'T take this as a suggestion, but start worrying when you throw in the occasionaly headbutt to boot'..... Obviously I don't put ALL my effort into it, or I'd liekly crack my head open.... I just consider myself lucky that I have a st00pidly hard head. :grin:

Sometimes i get angry and throw a ball of paper across the room.. or slap a pillow or something :/

yeh, I'm not a very violent person. :p
My house is over 80 years old, so it has that old wood and plaster stuff instead of dry wall like newer houses have. So I am going to have to match the drywall with that junk. It was really stupid of me to do this. I was mad I just went off, I just didn't care at the time. I head bunted the wall twice, kicked it once, kneed it twice and elbowed and punched it a few times on top of that. It made a big mess. There are little plaster bits and wood chips all over the floor now. Dang it, just not a good way to go about things.
want to know a good way to get yer aggression out and get a good workout to boot???? (well besides a punching bag, 15 minutes with that and yer wore out)
And thats to play raquet ball.... much better than tennis because yer actually encourage to smack the hell outta the ball... one game of that.. and you forget Y yer mad.. not to mention too wore out to even bother to punch something :grin:
Misanthrope said:
Dont punch walls, punch kitties and puppies, they're softer.

but they often run faster than walls and are rumoured to be at least partially aware of such things as fists breaking their ribs. not that this would make any difference, of course.
