I am also leaving for the world of college!

Will Bozarth said:
Pats > Genos

They both suck, take roll, slop steak all over it, squirt cheese wiz on it... terrible.

Latimer Deli at 15th and Latimer, I go there for steaks after class usually with some classmates. good stuff.

MAX! Come to jersey on weekends dude, Ill pick your ass up from the patco, I pass the woodcrest station on my way home from work. :kickass:
SirDidymus127 said:
gotta love Tony Luke's though...they put that sign up that said something about people could only order in english or they wouldn't be served. they had to take it down though...shit, i think its fair. why should they have to fucking translate in order to serve.

I don't know if Tony Luke (never heard of 'em) did that or not, but reading the commotion about Geno's doing that was my initial reason for driving up to Philly. Now I'm addicted to that shit.
Wolftribe said:
I want to organize a big east coast meeting to rival the west coast get together... you should come up whenever that happens

yeah cuz i didnt make a thread about this already :lol:

Now that your down here, lets make it happen.
Max, Will, Karen, Steve, Laura, Derick, Trey, Ellis, Bill, Mike (rest of division?) Dan (rombie) Who else is around here? That would be awesome.