parts I liked:
When Ilyria turns into Fred in order to "lie" to Wes.
When Fred turns into Ilyria as she punches the sorcerer who's name I have forgotten.
Lindsey's sword fighting scene.
Angel and Conner teaming up.
Lorne shooting Lindsey.
When Angel drinks Hamilton's blood and becomes super-strong and super-fast.
Just the part when the Arch Duke pulls the plug out of his servant to get a drink.
How Angel killed the Arch Duke.
When those three demons of The Circle of the Black Thorn turned on their lights and Ilyria was just standing there.
There's a lot of other stuff, but I'm tired. It's around 1:30 a.m. right now and I haven't slept that well know.
I was kind of dissapointed in Gunn. All he did was kill some lousy vampires.