I Am Gracing California With My Presence.

my couch folds out to a rather large bed that is quite comfortable. my house is dull and I have cat who wishes nothing but ill will upon every soul that walks through the door on two legs.
unknown said:
my couch folds out to a rather large bed that is quite comfortable. my house is dull and I have cat who wishes nothing but ill will upon every soul that walks through the door on two legs.

I'd feel quite at home then. Damn cats.
Random Beard said:

...but that sounds infinitely more awesome.

I plan on getting some mice soon. Or perhaps other random furries. I want a mouse named Cigarette Smoking Man. And one named Spooky Mulder. Because I'm a geek.

Now quit ruining my thread, I need a couch to sard on, and someone to entertain me.
neal said:
how about del taco and a 40oz? im on a budget...

I have never had this Del Taco.

A fawty shawty? Fo sheezy. The man that hangs around the stop sign at the end of my street often has a 40 oz in a brown paper bag.

I don't drink. A liter of Diet Coke will suffice.