I am in a musical bind

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
Okay I am in a concert bind. Opeth is playing their evening with Opeth in Chicago which I could go to. My friends and I would take a train but not wouldnt get home til late the next day due to train schedule. Or I can stay home and miss the chance to some Opeth songs that will never be played again and see Kreator on birthday (March 2) and then see Green Carnation on March 3.

Can anyone help me out with some advice? You really only need to reply if you really like Opeth like I do otherwise it is kind of pointless.
Opeth is on Roadrunner USA, right? They're on a label that will bring them back and probably frequently. Kreator is still on SPV? If that's the case, then they'll not be assured to be here again so I'd go Kreator and the other show if I were you.
I am a huge fan of Opeth (seen them 23 times) and I work with Kreator (seen them 14 time I think) and I love Green Carnation and haven't seen them. My question to you is, have you seen any of these bands live yet? If so, how many times and when? Reason I ask is I know what Opeth and Kreator have played and will play, etc and I want to see when you've seen them before and if you had. Then I can give you some points on each to help you decide. You think that's bad - Kreator is playing the same night in the same TOWN as Green Carnation and guess which one I have to go to. SUCH A DILEMMA!
I have seen Opeth twice and havent seen either Kreator or Green Carnation. If this wasnt an Evening with Opeth the choice would be obvious, but its the fact of seeing these songs that havent been played.

By the way Squeak I will see you at Powerfest, BIOMECHANICAL!!!!!
ive seen opeth and kreator enough times (although i wouldnt miss kreator), but green carnation would be my first priority. on the other hand, i missed out on seeing nile play unas slayer of gods live one time only because the rest of their show always bores the fuck out of me, and i kick myself for that.

also, how can opeth be playing their evening with opeth?
Opeth is the only band playing, they will have movie screens, 2 plus hours of performance and a minimum of 4 songs have never been played on US soil.
that and green carnation's US tour is very badly organized. shitty city choices, shitty dates. they should definately fire their tour manager. i cant fathom a band that good playing to hardly anyone
The Evening with Opeth is one of those dream shows for me. Especially considering the lack of older Opeth songs in their recent setlists. But my situation is as follows : Work morning job 7 am - 4 pm and then attempt to get to NY from MD to see the show, and then coming home that night for work again at 7 am; OR : I go to Jaxx less than an hour away and see a Dark Tranquillity and Devin Townsend show on the same night, minus Opeth (Which will be a fantastic show). I know my situation is completely different from yours, it comes down to the same thing : Ultimate Opeth show or no.

The best way to look at it is this: This is Opeth's 2nd tour in 6 months. We're lucky to have Kreator back for a 3rd time in the last year, and Green Carnation? I'm still in shock of their upcoming US tour. I've made peace with the fact my Opeth show is not meant to be, but then again I've seen them 4 times (and they are playing in MD 4 days prior to the NY show). I'm sure you will be happy with whatever decision you make; overall it isn't really a losing situation either way, with all the metal goodness involved. At least you wouldn't be sacrificing Opeth for a jump rope competition or something, haha!
Hm... Green Carnation is playing Valentines in Albany. Only the 2nd date on the tour. I think I might go. It's Sat night & Opeth is in Hartford Friday night.... Might see Live the Monday before & Sonata Arctica on Wed and I'm now seeing Phantom of the Opera that Sunday night.
I think this will be the most packed music week for me ever.
Thursday in NYC is too hard for me to go to :-/ Sonata on Wed will be just as hard w/o taking off a few hrs from work.

I guess if the interviews don't pan out it's a matter of who you really don't want to miss. I went and saw Therion for a 2nd time instead of seeing Leaves Eyes for a number of reasons. The one really mattering was that I figured it would be a long time before I saw Therion in the US again. Granted it neither show was anything special being offered like Opeth's "evening with" concert but if it's a long time before Green Carnation reappears and you really like them, you may kick yourself for not seeing them.
woosta said:
Opeth is on Roadrunner USA, right? They're on a label that will bring them back and probably frequently. Kreator is still on SPV? If that's the case, then they'll not be assured to be here again so I'd go Kreator and the other show if I were you.

Actually, this is Kreator's 2nd US tour in support of Enemy of God. But, after this they probably won't be around again until they have another album to tour for. As for who I'd suggest...take a look at my avatar ;)
Okay so since you've seen Opeth twice and Kreator/GC never - I'd say Kreator/GC. The light show and energy alone at the Kreator show is worth it. The last Kreator tour and this one also they have a lighting rig and a guy doing the lighting, so combine that with their aggression and hyperness on stage = awesome show. The setlist is QUITE good as well for them. And GC - what can I say. It kills me that I am missing them. :/ Opeth is also very very good and it's so awesome that they will do a set like that, but it's four songs versus ALL the Kreator/GC songs you've never seen live. Plus Lopez is not on this Opeth tour either - although Axelrodt is an awesome awesome drummer!!! But still.
Jibrille said:
I went and saw Therion for a 2nd time instead of seeing Leaves Eyes for a number of reasons. The one really mattering was that I figured it would be a long time before I saw Therion in the US again.

Failing another attempt to book them at a future ProgPower, your assumption is correct. :cry: