I am in need of your creativity/sense of humor


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
So next week I start my major in ********, but all freshmen gotta go stupid stuff the first week to prove themselves "worthy" of being in the major. This year, we gotta disguise ourselves as tampons. Now, the disguise itself is almost over, but there are 2 things that would require your aid. First, I must write on a big paper how to use tampons. It gotta be original and funny.

Second thing I need your help with: I gotta go in a ******** with a condom box, get to the labatory, and make them stamp my own posology for condoms on the box, then takeime to a picture with the pharmacist. I must do all this disguised. Now, what could I use as a posology? Again, it must be stupid. Your help will be greatly appreciated. If I had more time I would try to do all of it alone, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Btw, it must not be too vulgar. Well, use your common sense. I'll have to walk in the city with that stuff. :rolleyes:

edit: WTF?!?! since when is being a pharmacist a bad thing and needs censure?
maybe the term in english is different, but it's basically something like : take one every hour, do not exceed 6 a day sort of thing.
I'm glad I don't have to do any of this shit in my major.

EDIT: but then again, hell, in my major I'm sure that half of us would WILLINGLY dress up as ol' Julius and run around shouting "TRANS RUBICONEM!!!!" for no particular reason than just the fact that we can.
lizard said:

Asm0de: how about, "upon onset of menstrual flow, insert five tampons every hour until cramping is obtained."
:lol: nice nice, I also need a posology for the condoms.
MajestikMøøse said:
I'm glad I don't have to do any of this shit in my major.

EDIT: but then again, hell, in my major I'm sure that half of us would WILLINGLY dress up as ol' Julius and run around shouting "TRANS RUBICONEM!!!!" for no particular reason than just the fact that we can.
it's half fun/half pain in the ass. The fun part is that it makes you know everyone in your major and you're all on the same boat anyway. The pain in the ass part is well... the rest.
MajestikMøøse said:
I'm glad I don't have to do any of this shit in my major.

EDIT: but then again, hell, in my major I'm sure that half of us would WILLINGLY dress up as ol' Julius and run around shouting "TRANS RUBICONEM!!!!" for no particular reason than just the fact that we can.

I'd rather dress up as Scipio and lay waste to the barbarian hordes in chemical sciences building.
yeah, that'd be cool, it's just that the Julius/Brutus thing is just the most popular though.

There's this PhD student over on the Nevermore board who tells me that his department head reenacts the dinner scene from the Satyricon every day at lunch. :lol:
One time I was fooling around with an ex-bint and I noticed a little piece of string near the crotchatorial region by her chonies. So I go to remove the errant thing and she panics, yelling "DONT TOUCH THAT!!!" Whoops.

No help, but it's a funny story about a tampon.

EDIT: lizard, your avatar needs to glance at this post methinks.