I am looking to buy a bass...


Haha Fuck You
Jul 5, 2002
Adelaide, Australia
About $700 to $1000 Australian...

I am not sure how much that is US, maybe around $600.

So what would be a good 5 stringer in that price.

I already have my eyes on a Washburn for $550 AUS, but it has active pickups and I am not to sure about those.

Actually some help and info and active/passive pickups would be great too.

Well it depends on your hand size, if you have large hands or small hands, also depends if you'r gonna play finger/pick or slap bass.

Best for large hands and picking is a Fender
Best for Slap IMO is an ESP
Best for Picking if you have small hands is a Ibenez

as for fingering, thats all about the stings
well honestly i wouldnt setlle for anything less than a warwick. you may find a good deal on ebay.
people like to rag on bc rich, but honestly, their NJ series is pretty good and its in your price range.
also, anything schecter is doing very well right now and in your price range. i know a guy who used to swear by fender. he would buy the most exspensive p bass fender made, then played a schecter for half the price and was floored.
The best frettless i ever played was a warwick, holy shit if i only had 2200 dollars at the time, i would of been sold one the mark. I dunno how much USA funds are compared to AUS, but Warwicks are well worth the wait if you wana save up an extra 500 dollars. Also try www.Musiciansfriend.com, they have Great prices compared to local stores.

I use fingers and play pretty fast with runs along the fretboard.

That might narrow it down a bit more, but I will check out some of these.
Like many others have stated, it depends on your hand size and arm length. Though my fingers aren't long (thanks Dad !!) I do have large palms and can handle long scales and wide necks. The only short scale that I really have liked was an old Gibson SG bass.
I am of the belief that bang for the buck, you can't beat Ibanez guitars and Peavey basses but I live in the Southeast US and can get some higher end Peavey at a good price. Peavey probably is expensive down under, so I don't really know.

if your gonna go for 5, might as well go for the 6. usually once you get the 5, you start wanting the extra string as well.

ibanez makes a good "starter" 6 string. i say "starter" because its definatley not the best you can get. you can get a million times better basses. but if you wnat something farely cheap the ibanez is the best one.