i am not able to listen any bass in testament"the gathering"


free thinker
Jul 21, 2002
north of italy
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i try to explain myself!

i have listened to the gathering for the first time today!

of course is a great album ,great drumming by lombardo, great guitar by murphy etc.

but hippie's bass is really in the background ...

and it is really strange !

takin' one great player in an album and keep him in the background!

expecially when in the other albums bass is quasi dominant!

what do you guys think of it?

and you steve?

maybe i listen to it badly...

Yeah dude, the bass is pretty "low" there... I wouldn't say "low", but it is kinda "without texture", because on the last songs you can hear the "impact" of the bass, but its sound is really "plain", it's only doing the low things, you know...

Totally opposed to "Individual", that's not a "lo-freq-boosted" record (and could not be, cause it was recorded much time ago), but you can hear the bass really well there, because it has a better "texture"...

I think that's it... And Steve, ask the guys on the next record to make something like "The Gathering" + "Individual", but really "lo-freq-boosted", that would be "THE SOUND" :D
Originally posted by israel
Yeah dude, the bass is pretty "low" there... I wouldn't say "low", but it is kinda "without texture", because on the last songs you can hear the "impact" of the bass, but its sound is really "plain", it's only doing the low things, you know...

Totally opposed to "Individual", that's not a "lo-freq-boosted" record (and could not be, cause it was recorded much time ago), but you can hear the bass really well there, because it has a better "texture"...

I think that's it... And Steve, ask the guys on the next record to make something like "The Gathering" + "Individual", but really "lo-freq-boosted", that would be "THE SOUND" :D

...You fucking pervert.
Originally posted by israel
Yeah dude, the bass is pretty "low" there... I wouldn't say "low", but it is kinda "without texture", because on the last songs you can hear the "impact" of the bass, but its sound is really "plain", it's only doing the low things, you know...

Totally opposed to "Individual", that's not a "lo-freq-boosted" record (and could not be, cause it was recorded much time ago), but you can hear the bass really well there, because it has a better "texture"...

I think that's it... And Steve, ask the guys on the next record to make something like "The Gathering" + "Individual", but really "lo-freq-boosted", that would be "THE SOUND" :D

it is always the same ...

i think that in metal albums the producers try to keep bass in the background following guitars...

i ever see hippie and expecially tyr really sad about it!

of course ITP is the perfect modern metal album!

you can hear all instruments perfectly balanced in it!

I'm not always involved with the mixing session and even when I am it doesn't garuntee an audible bass in the mix. I hate that this is even a topic, it depresses me beyond belief on the albums I played on and even all the other metal albums I bought where the bass is mixed out so bad. I don't understand why so many people involved prefer to mix the bass really low. It is one of the main things that repels me from metal. That and the attitude of the producers, engineers, guitarists, drummers, singers...all of them, towards having bass in the songs. I don't have an answer to the album you mentioned earlier, I guess it's how they wanted it. I didn't agree with them that the bass was audible, but they swear it's fine. So there you go.
Next topic.
Good bless the garage bands, where you can play the bass all loud, and your friends shout at you when they can't hear you playing... At least at my band. :p
So now you all have to by Vintersorg's "visions from the spiral generator"(including Steve's fantasitc work), that's an audioable bass folks.

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
So now you all have to by Vintersorg's "visions from the spiral generator"(including Steve's fantasitc work), that's an audioable bass folks.

mr V

Thankfully I was able to find the full album on Kazaa.

Ah well, you just blew your chances of seeing that Death song tabbed out man, Eamon.

Mr.V is right, but you know that album is not standard metal. Thank God for that. But it takes a different kind of band to do things different than the boring "normal" world. And it's albums from bands like these; Vintersorg, Control Denied, that keep me from going Dark Hall full time.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Ah well, you just blew your chances of seeing that Death song tabbed out man, Eamon.

Ah C'mon Steve.You know I'm just ribbing the man.
I thought you had a somewhat similar sense of humor.Anyway,regarding that album,I noticed something in particular you do (On my BOUGHT copy).I dont remember the song but there is a part where you duplicate a sitar type sound.Is that just you bending the high C under the fretboard and playing it or is it some pedal?
Nothing Is Everything!
Ok ya wanker...I know how to take the piss as well. I'll get you that chart (if you plan on living a long time!). Me and Mr.V appreciate your support to the band and your spending of your hard (or hardly) earned allowance from Mum.

To address your question about my sitar. As much as I wanted to break it out on this album, Mr.V assured me with reasonable force that he had the melodies handled and I can play the bass or shove it...! So...with a little pickup knob turning, a little positioning of the right hand and a little Norwegian reverb...there you go! Gotta love the fretless.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Ok ya wanker...I know how to take the piss as well. I'll get you that chart (if you plan on living a long time!). Me and Mr.V appreciate your support to the band and your spending of your hard (or hardly) earned allowance from Mum.


Hahaha.You cheeky monkey!
I have a job.I assure you the folks wouldn't give me enough money it takes to maintain a bass guitar.Stupid expensive strings and pedals.
Anywizzay on the hizzo,that effect is damn cool.Kudos for the sonical magic it provides.
That is the gayest sentence ever.
im not sure why alot of the metal guitarist,producers turn it down like that. im a guitarist myself and i think the bass on the album is as important as the other instraments and should be audible. it disapoints me when bands get real good bass players like steve d, etc and then when they record turn him down so damn low you can't even tell he's on the cd. what's the point of even getting the bassist if you don't want him heard.