
Apr 20, 2004
Always Somewhere!
I only wished I had a camera last nite so you all could see the huge grin that's been on my face since about 9pm.:grin: :grin:

Pabla and I went to the Rainbow last night for some dinner and headbanging. I took a loo break and up there was talking to a girl on holiday from Germany. She asked how I knew she was from Germany, I had heard her speaking German. She asked if I spoke it and told her I could only remember a few words, sayings. why German she asked... when I was young I had dreams of going to Germany to meet the Scorpions. She says.. oh Rudy is downstairs.............:OMG: ziiiiiiing I was outta there and downstairs in a heartbeat.

Trying to figure out how not to so rudely interupt his dinner, there was no other way than to just go to the table and say hello. Rudy asked me to sit and for a few minutes we chatted about me being a HUUUUUUUUGE Scorps fan, the backstage pass fiasco last year ( had 3 b.s. passes at three seperate shows and not once got to see the guys) Rudy apologized for that and said next time.

I asked him about the F1 guitar, our friend Moby made it for him, he was surprised I knew Moby, so we discussed that fiasco. Moby came over from Germany in 2003 to give Rudy the guitar he commisioned, again very difficult getting backstage and trying to explain to the security and such Rudy paid for the guitar and he's to play it that night... so we had a few laughs. He asked if I was a big fan of the Scorps (that night I had on a Megadeth Scorpion t-shirt, my scorpion necklace and a belt with scorpions all over it), so we showed each other our Scorpion jewelry and such and I had to tell him about my Scorpions room. After about 10 minutes I needed to go and let him finish his dinner. He said he'd see me around. :blush:

Walking back to the table to get Pabla I had the biggest shit eatin grin on my face and it hasn't left since.:grin: :grin: :grin: After we went upstairs to get some dancing in I had a thought to leave Rudy my business card...so I get one of my cards, put my scorpsrockme email address on it and gave it to him, said goodnite and see you next tour. Ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm still floating.

:worship: SCORPS ROCK MY SOUL:worship:
Talk about a Kodak moment! Most astounding situation Kit, I hope you didn't drool too much over his dinner :lol:

Did you get your body signed by him? :muahaha:
Wyvern said:
Talk about a Kodak moment! Most astounding situation Kit, I hope you didn't drool too much over his dinner :lol:

Did you get your body signed by him? :muahaha:

:tickled: NODAMN IT! but when he said he had a Scorpion to show me and reached down to his groin area I said "oh no the stinger" he said 'hahahah not that one...my belt buckle!!" :tickled:
Cool story! It's always nice to meet someone out of the normal element.
I generally avoid bothering people during dinner, but I'll catch them in a break between courses! ;)
On a mailing list I'm on, one friend of mine said he's going to have more fun watching me, than the Freak Kitchen set @ Prog Power since I'll be like a 12 year old girl at a Backstreet Boys concert..... :grin:
I can relate!
kittybeast said:
Walking back to the table to get Pabla I had the biggest shit eatin grin on my face and it hasn't left since.:grin: :grin: :grin: After we went upstairs to get some dancing in I had a thought to leave Rudy my business card...so I get one of my cards, put my scorpsrockme email address on it and gave it to him, said goodnite and see you next tour. Ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm still floating.

:rock: :kickass: :rock:

Kitty that totally kicks ass! You must be livin' right!
RockMyMonkey said:
I've been trying to get an interview with the Scorps for almost two decades. Good for you man. That last Scorps cd kicks ass. I got two copies in my house.

I've been nominating them for the Hollywood Walk of fame for 6....keep at it. The Scorpions have never been ones to do massive interviews at least not since the 80's. Have you contacted Mary Hart with Hard to Handle Management (Los Angeles)? She's the last contact I had as their management company.

I'm glad you liked Unbreakable...personally it was a bit weak for me for a release that took over 10 yrs to happen.
"Kitty you rock!"


Fangface said:
"Kitty you rock!"



:blush: :blush: Thanks you all for the kudos...was great for me as you all know I'm crazy for the Scorpions! Thanks for the pic Fang. In San Diego I was front row and got some phenomenal pictures! Got one of Klaus throwing me the horns and one of Rudy pointing at me like the one above, blew those bad boys up to 5 x 7's !:grin: