To Bryant: I Am Sorry I Scared You.


Neuroses Facilitator
Whatup OS peeps! I've been bogged down with a lot of adult real-life bullshit for the past two months and really haven't had too much of a chance or been in the right mood to post, but I'll kick my $0.015 every now and then a bit more regularly.

I had a really stressfull trip to and from the ProgPower show in Atlanta where to be all honest, I really didn't enjoy too much. Part of it was just a few of the main bands just not doing it for me personally but a lot of it was my mindset at the time, so that was a bit unfortunate. Not to mention I drove through the worst rain I have ever had the misfortune to see in my 30+ years on this planet. It was about halfway though the mid-part of Tennesee at about 2:30 pm and it was almost completely dark even at that time. This was some crazy, scary monsoon shit that I was driving though and I swear I saw a tornado behind me. There were cars pulled over on the side of the highway, too afraid to drive though the borderline lake on the highway, but me being a crazy Metalhead, I pushed on and somehow survived to reach the borger of Georgia, where the sky miraculously cleared. But damn, I didn't need that stress!:yell:

So back to the title of this thread...I saw Bryant at the end of the Symphorce set (owned, .) I introduced myself to Bryant and he seemed a bit shocked and taken aback that I was the physical picture to the messageboard name. You see, I am a big sonofabitch, '6,3" and I could probably play offensive guard for some of the lesser football teams out there...:Spin: Mxgonzo posts on here from time to time and he can verify that! Not to mention long hair, goatee, headbanged-out and sweaty from Symphorce. Shit, I probably would have scared myself actually.:grin:

I also met Pabla and Kittybeast briefly at the Symphorce signing and they seemed very nice. I just wasn't really in too talkative of a mood that weekend so forgive me!

So Bryant, I am sorry to have scared you! :Spin:
Ha ha ha surprised yes, scared no. Too bad you didn't meet me on my drunk night or I probably would have wanted to wrestle you. I found some big burly guy from Chicago that sufficed well enough to kcik my ass though. I had a big lump on my head the next day that came from me punishing a window sill with my head. :loco: I will never forget that guy's roommate...... he was completely spazzing out, so we toook the match to my room, where he was still freaking out. It was all in fun though no one, nor the motel rooms were seriously injured.
Anyway.... hope you can make it to the next PP show. We will definitely hang out more. You can even join me at karaoke this year. Stevie Nicks isn't challenging enough now, I think I'll try some Amy Lee this year. :grin:


Walter_Langkowski said:
Whatup OS peeps!

I had a really stressfull trip to and from the ProgPower show in Atlanta where to be all honest, I really didn't enjoy too much. Part of it was just a few of the main bands just not doing it for me personally but a lot of it was my mindset at the time, so that was a bit unfortunate. Not to mention I drove through the worst rain I have ever had the misfortune to see in my 30+ years on this planet. IBut damn, I didn't need that stress!:yell:

So back to the title of this thread...I saw Bryant at the end of the Symphorce set (owned, .) I introduced myself to Bryant and he seemed a bit shocked and taken aback that I was the physical picture to the messageboard name. You see, I am a big sonofabitch, '6,3" and I could probably play offensive guard for some of the lesser football teams out there...:Spin: Mxgonzo posts on here from time to time and he can verify that! Not to mention long hair, goatee, headbanged-out and sweaty from Symphorce. Shit, I probably would have scared myself actually.:grin:

I also met Pabla and Kittybeast briefly at the Symphorce signing and they seemed very nice. I just wasn't really in too talkative of a mood that weekend so forgive me!

So Bryant, I am sorry to have scared you! :Spin:
Hawk said:
That one of the best prog-metal albums released ever!! :worship:

Damn right! :rock:

NP: Stream Of Passion - 'Open Your Eyes'
So you don't work there anymore? I haven't been to Impulse in quite some time. It's too tempting to spend money I don't have there.
Where are you working now?
Mxgonzo said:
So you don't work there anymore? I haven't been to Impulse in quite some time. It's too tempting to spend money I don't have there.
Where are you working now?

No I'm not working there anymore. I quit after the last weekend in September. I think he has Quigley on Saturdays now and he just closes up on Sundays since I am not there (at least that's what I've heard ).

Actually I still have my main job that I had while I doing Impulse. I did Mon-Fri at the main one and both days at Impulse on the weekends. Suffice to say it wore me down a lot, not really physically but more psychologically. I did every weekend for about two years plus my main job, so I'd say that working 100 out of 104 weekends would wear out most people.:erk: