"I Am Ozzy" book signing

oh it was pretty cool. The bad thing was that I shook his hand and the security dudes made me leave, so I didn't have my book anymore then I had to wait until almost the end to get it again :zzz:
Generally when you edit, it ends up being in the same post as before. Otherwise it's not an edit but a new post altogether. I'm just saying..
I heard he was in Judas Priest. Or maybe that was Led Zeppelin. Didn't Led Zeppelin do the song We dont need no education?
Wasn't he in that band with the guitarer "Quarterbag" Charles?
Pantamime I think it was called.
The point is not for you to buy into it as truth, but a more polite way for me to say that I don't give a shit about Ozwald.

Also, welcome to UM.