"I Am Ozzy" book signing

If you put a lime on a chunk of mold-covered cheese, it acquires the syrupy texture of boiled crocodile skin dipped in vinegar. But only on Tuesdays.
No, on Thursdays you ought to sweep under the carpets so the lizards will be able to eat the roaches, and then collect their husks and decorate your favorite chocolate pudding.Pour hot chocolate on them for camouflage. No, no, don't eat it of course. Peel the bottom layer of the cake, and then put it on the husks. That way you'll create a humongous sandwich of sorts. Then present it as a gift to your least favorite neighbor. That'll teach them a lesson not to shout like madmen during night hours
of course!! I've had some minor experience with lizard cakes, one time, at band camp, we had to clean these tubas, so then i was like screw this, and i hopped on the next root beer float outta there
I meant roaches' husks. It is the lizards who eat the roaches, not the other way around. Although I suppose in our day and age anything is possible.