I am really enjoying the news from the middle east these days..enjoy!!!

You know what I love? I know you don't, so I'm going to tell you.

The PR people for Islam around the world always talk shit about how Islam is a religion of peace, meanwhile, they complain endlessly about the Jews and the western giant they must take down, but when you see what they really are, they are just savage people that will start killing each other when no one else is around. This goes from local warlords to entire countries trying to assert themselves as the true owner of those lands and as the true successor to mohammed. I also love how all these leaders, like the presidents of Iran that have claimed direct lineage from Abraham, while others go even further to say they are a direct descendent of Adam.

Lord help us all with our nice-guy war, rather than "the harshest punishment".
Like I said the other day, and this time they have beaten the record for trampled rag-heads! Excellent!!!
(Evidently they tripped on their luggage.........hilarious! Didn't Benny Hill do a sketch like that> Hmmm, perhaps not....)
It´s the same shit every year. 200 - 1000 (sometimes a top of 1500) people killed during Haii. It´s common math. You can´t have 2 milion people in a tiny place like that. And leting cagemonkeys throw stones is also a very stupid idea. But as long as people are okey with those numbers getting offed during Haii let it continue.
They are supposedly brothers and sisters, meanwhile they trample each other without a care in the world and don't see those involved as murderers, just pilgrims.

The bit about the stoning a symbolic devil is great. What a backwards people.
The thing is, I bet that they all believe it was us, the decadent Western world, that deliberately started the stampede, as part of our sinister plot against Islam.....
TheAssMaster said:
The thing is, I bet that they all believe it was us, the decadent Western world, that deliberately started the stampede, as part of our sinister plot against Islam.....

Actually I was behind it. It all started three day ago when I picked up this record by Judas Priest... blablabla... and I just did what the voiced told me to do!
The PR people for Islam around the world always talk shit about how Islam is a religion of peace

i wouldn´t say i´m happy, but i don´t feel sad for them in any way.
i believe everyone who is into organized religion (especially islam) deserves to die the most cruel death. i just don´t give a fuck.

it´s not a religion of peace, it´s just a medium for prejudice, intolerance and hate.

"so blind if you pray, lost another day
get off your knees do something for yourself
ít´ll teach you nothing about the world today
take your belief - and throw it away

the church and all it´s glory
is draining all your money
no god no master - religous cancer"