i am veering into the unknown: a MOTW RELATED POST Y'ALL


i will give my stock answer: get both Bath and LYBM and listen to them sequentially.

now i will tweak it for preppy: listen to the mp3s on the mp3.com site and figure out which album you will like best out of bath/lybm so you can listen to it first, if you only have time for one.
I just always viewed you as the epitome of the non-MOTW part of the MOTW board. you know how some people have this one black friend they love to drag into every conversation as an example of how tolerant they are? well, the motW board can use posters like you to argue we are a social and intellectual forum, not just a WHAT'S THE NEXT ALBUM GUNNA BE LIKE HUH place.
oops sorry. just think of it like this. the west indies had slaves there from the british bastards. some of them stuck around. some of them even went to p.r.