I am wondering if we have people here that live in London and if they are alright?

KMADD said:
There are plenty of muslims that live here in Indianapolis
that are not only peaceful but they really condemn all this violence.
Most of Muslims are good actors you know....the only way this can stop is that muslims themselve act against their own terrorrists, but they don't seem to give shit about that, playing the victims all the time... Is there any war going on where muslims are NOT involved ???
Being The Warmonger that I am I feel like we shouldve made the desert a sheet of glass a long time ago. I know this is a stupid racist redneck comment and im a dumb bastard for it but I stick by what I said.

I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind before. But that would put us down on their level. Most of the people in the Middle East are just like you and me -- looking to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. Those in power are using religion and culture to increase their power. If they truly cared about their people they wouldn't be talking them into strapping explosives to themselves.
carnut said:
Most of Muslims are good actors you know....the only way this can stop is that muslims themselve act against their own terrorrists, but they don't seem to give shit about that, playing the victims all the time... Is there any war going on where muslims are NOT involved ???

Korea and Vietnam as far as I remember.

I don't have anything against Muslims. Many were savagely butchered during the ex-Yugoeslavia war, and their Arab brothers didn't move a finger or a tear.

I agree with Ever on this one we should thermonuclearize the Arabs back to the Pleocenic Age. I'm tired of their wars and their oil oppression.
Find them all and cut off their heads. Its that simple.

Every last fundamentalist on the planet has been put on notice - you are going down, and going down HARD!!!!

And before anyone says anything - I am talking about ANY fundamentalists - including christians who blow up abortion clinics and gay bars...every last fundamentalist must GO!!!
Being The Warmonger that I am I feel like we shouldve made the desert a sheet of glass a long time ago. I know this is a stupid racist redneck comment and im a dumb bastard for it but I stick by what I said.

I'm with you there to a certain extent. Some people only understand one language, and that language is violence. Unfortunately - sometimes you ahve to opearet at the lowest common denominator. Time to take the gloves off, no more politics and no more public opinion dictating what the real operators do - let's get the job done and take all of these bastards out.
Being The Warmonger that I am I feel like we shouldve made the desert a sheet of glass a long time ago. I know this is a stupid racist redneck comment and im a dumb bastard for it but I stick by what I said.

I'm with you there to a certain extent. Some people only understand one language, and that language is violence. Unfortunately - sometimes you have to operate at the lowest common denominator. Time to take the gloves off, no more politics and no more public opinion dictating what the real operators do - let's get the job done and take all of these bastards out.
USMC0341 said:
I'm with you there to a certain extent. Some people only understand one language, and that language is violence. Unfortunately - sometimes you have to operate at the lowest common denominator. Time to take the gloves off, no more politics and no more public opinion dictating what the real operators do - let's get the job done and take all of these bastards out.

So shall we simply nuke all Arab lands? Can't do that. The oil fields would be then rendered useless....being radiated, and all.

Or continue rooting out al Qaeda (as the current admin appears to be doing)?

Or, adopt entirely new foreign policies?

The simple answers that people are posing here have never worked, nor can they. Tis the reason why our elected officials rarely resort to them. Nothing would ever be accomplished.
SoundMaster said:
Yes. The Western nations should simply occupy their lands and TAKE that valuable resource! Right on!

Actually the Arabs had no access to oil until the western companies developed these oil wells for them. Most of the time in cooperation with the government that was in power back then. But in the sixties the Arab nations nationalized [read stole] the oilriggs and they are now managing them. However they never payed for what they stole from western companies.
SoundMaster said:
Yes. The Western nations should simply occupy their lands and TAKE that valuable resource! Right on!

Wrong! We should develop clean energy resources so we don't have to depend on their oil anymore, so they can stick up where the sun doesn't shine ;)
Wyvern said:
Wrong! We should develop clean energy resources so we don't have to depend on their oil anymore, so they can stick up where the sun doesn't shine ;)
Hemp oil, Hydrogen, corn, etc., etc. just Dow chemicals, and big-oil companies buy all the patents to these so they are NOT released and made into cars. :ill:
kittybeast said:
Hemp oil, Hydrogen, corn, etc., etc. just Dow chemicals, and big-oil companies buy all the patents to these so they are NOT released and made into cars. :ill:

We can thermonuclearize Dow Chemical too ;).
@ MD: I hope you and all yours are alright. We all spiritually with you and the English people on these dark days.
Hawk said:
Actually the Arabs had no access to oil until the western companies developed these oil wells for them. Most of the time in cooperation with the government that was in power back then. But in the sixties the Arab nations nationalized [read stole] the oilriggs and they are now managing them. However they never payed for what they stole from western companies.

The Arabs had no need for it.
The West did. So we entered into a mutually beneficial partnership. And it still exists today. America, for example, is Saudi Arabia's b*tch. We have no choice but to be so.

I believe a Californian oil firm, in the 1930s, partnered with the then King of Saudi....and the rest is history. Renamed: Aramco

The West will continue to meddle in the Middle East, and terrorism will continue to rear it's ugly head until we're well passed Hubbert's curve/peak. Until then, be prepared for more of what we've seen over the passed decade.
Wyvern said:
@ MD: I hope you and all yours are alright. We all spiritually with you and the English people on these dark days.

Thank you Wyvern and everyone who shares these sentiments :) I'm lucky none of my family were involved but it must be aweful for those families who have lost loved ones. My thoughts and prayers are with them
Metal Dog said:
Thank you Wyvern and everyone who shares these sentiments :) I'm lucky none of my family were involved but it must be aweful for those families who have lost loved ones. My thoughts and prayers are with them

My family up there is also unharmed thanks God.

Like my aunt said:
consider ourselves fortunate that our losses are much
less than those of the World Trade Centres but we are
BRITISH and we will not be brought down by such
senseless acts of violence against innocent people.
JonnyD said:
it doesnt matter if it was 50 ppl or 4,000 ppl a terror attack is a terror attack either way it is senseless and only hurts the innocent!

Still the world hasn't learn it...and terrorism marches on in the 21st century.
Wheezer said:
I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind before. But that would put us down on their level. Most of the people in the Middle East are just like you and me -- looking to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. Those in power are using religion and culture to increase their power. If they truly cared about their people they wouldn't be talking them into strapping explosives to themselves.

Great post Wheez. I agree 100%
