I Bought a Used Tremoverb! Questions


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
I did some research before buying this and the reviews stated that the tremoverb is up there with the old dual rectifier's. So I got a deal and jumped on it. Shitty tubes.
I've been messing with it a bit and to me seems real muddy just a real lacklustre sound. My 5150 on aprox the same settings just has that punch and clarity...the mesa sounds dull compared. Should I get it checked out?

what tubes would you go with if replacing the tubes in a tremoverb?

Should I bring it in to a tech to have him look it over (bias etc.)?



Hahahahahhaa, you can trust Sloan, just look at that smiling mug in his avatar! :lol:

But dude, Jauernis, it's a different amp than the 5150, of course the same settings aren't gonna work! :loco: The Tremoverb as I understand is still a full-blown dual Rec, so a Tube Screamer of some sort is an absolute must (Drive 8:30, Tone 10:30, Level 11:30), but use silicon diodes (rather than tube rectifiers), bold (rather than spongy), and these settings on the red (bottom) channel:


And you should be in heaven! Though you'll probably wanna drop the gain a bit, and raise the bass (ALWAYS tweak a Rectifier from right to left, starting with getting the right gain first, then treble, then mid, etc.) And yes, I meant to have the presence knob that low; it's a powerful beast! Also, make sure the channel cloning switch on the back is in the middle spot! And what cab are you running it through?
Oh yeah, and tube wise, I love Penta Labs 12AX7's (the best of the batch of Shuguang 9th gens, relabeled by Penta) and Ruby 6L6's (or Mesa 6L6's, if you can afford 'em), from www.dougstubes.com! (unless you go for the Mesa 6L6's, of course, those would be found here)
Yeah the Tremoverb should slay. I used completely opposite settings from everyone else I have heard use on a recto. I pretty much never used the presence knob and my bass was at about 6 or 7 and mids and highs both at 5. But theres no perfect setting really. One thing is for sure as stated before......USE A TUBESCREAMER!!!
Just had a decent look at the Trem-o-verb manual from Mesa's website (I enjoy doing these things :D), and it seems to be in every way a 2-channel Dual Rectifier with just a few extra bells and whistles (though what metal player is gonna use fucking tremolo, honestly...), unlike that abomination that is the Rectoverb :ill: So nice score man!
I also got a Tremover recently, I traded my dual recto 3ch for the tremoverb.
It is absolutely MINT, and I know not a lot af metal player would use the tremolo but I don't play metal exclusively and the tremolo on this thing sounds so fucking warm it's incredibly good.

I've got to agree that this thing doesn't have as much gain as the new 3ch set to channel 3/modern, it needs some tweaking to get a good heavy sound out of it.
I've been doing a tube shootout for the last 2 days, I've had 8 different brand/model of 12AX7 so I tried them all and recorded everything with a reamped guitar track.
Here's what I have:
2 x NOS RCA 12AX7A Shortplate
2 x NOS RCA 12AX7 Longplate
1 x NOS Sylvania 12AX7
1 x NOS Raytheon 12AX7
1 x NOS GE 12AT7 (lower gain than a 12AX7)
3 x EH 12AX7 (I realised that one is dead though)
1 x Mesa SPAX7
4 x JJ 12AX7

I also have about 12 other preamp tubes in my other amp but I use them.
I found that in an ideal world I'd have NOS RCA 12AX7A Shortplate in V1 to V3 but now I only have two of those so they are in V1 and V2 and I use a Mesa SPAX7 in V3.
In V6 I put the NOS Raytheon 12AX7 (I bought this one and the Sylvania especially for the phase inverter, they have been hand picked for this purpose).

The NOS RCA 12AX7A Shortplate really give a good high gain, punchy but smooth at the same time, the JJs are harsh and agressive, the EH are probably the best new production tube for V1 and V2 but in V3 I found the Mesa SPAX7 to be more solid.

Then I started to swap the power and rectifier tubes, running the amp at 50 watt and then at 100 watt, tested every combinasion.
I have 4 Mesa 6L6 and 4 JJ E34L.
2 Mesa 5U4G and 2 EH 5U4GB.

And the verdict is that at 50 watt, using the mesa 6L6, the Mesa 5U4G sounds warm, but in every other application it doesn't deliver, it sags way too much.
I really can't decide what I like the best, I'd love to try some better 6L6 but I don't have any money right now for this.

The E34L gives more gain, more mids, less deep bottom, the cleans are less impressive though, the pick attack doesn't sound the same as it does with the 6L6, it's an overall clearer sound but a little bit harsh, I suspect those JJs.

The 6L6 have a really good clean, fenderish, good lows and highs, when used with the modern channel it seems to be running a little bit too cold though, their break up is not as good as the E34L but they give a more fullrange sound, I think that I'd have to turn up the preamp gain though to compensate for the lack of power tube distortion, otherwise it kindda sound like if I would lower the volume on my guitar, making my distortion less consistent.

After that I tried all kind of spongy/bold, SS Rectifier vs Tube rectifier and with the E34L the spongy setting seems to work better for me, with 6L6 I like bold better, not sure yet about the rectifier.
All m tests were done with every controls at 12 o'clock, I tried to find the best conbinasion to make the amp sounds its best with no tweaking, that's not a great tone like that but at least my jusdgement isn't affected by the tubes reacting differently to different gain and eq setting.

Apparantly the NOS RCA 6L6 are freaking awesome in a mesa dual recto but I'm curious to hear about other people's opinion about different 6L6 and EL34.
So nobody wants to share which tubes they like the best in a mesa?
Come on now I'm sure you guys all have your preferences.
Penta Labs 12AX7's (the best of the Shuguang 9th gens taken and relabeled) and Winged C 6L6's make me super-happy!
Allright now that's what I'm talking about.
So 2 votes for the 6L6 Winged C, I've red good things about them elsewhere too, looks like they pretty much are the winners for new production tubes!

Penta Labs 12AX7, I'll check them out, thanks.

Anybody else?
Winged C's, or else Ruby 6L6GCMSTR's. To my ear, the winged C sound a little thicker than the Ruby's. The Ruby's seem to have a little more bite / a little less in the low mids. Both are good tubes, IMO.
53Crëw;8319506 said:
Winged C's, or else Ruby 6L6GCMSTR's. To my ear, the winged C sound a little thicker than the Ruby's. The Ruby's seem to have a little more bite / a little less in the low mids. Both are good tubes, IMO.

Good to know.
I didn't dig my Rectoverb when I had it; just seemed like a one trick pony really. I bought it for £600, sold it for £700, and bought my Laney VH100R!