Dude, if only you had gotten a Dollar each time you posted those settings...[...] (Drive 8:30, Tone 10:30, Level 11:30) [...]
Hey, just doing my part to combat the infuriating myth that we around here use Tube Screamers for extra gain/level!![]()
Yeah, the MT2 in front of a Rec apparently can net a bitchin' old school death tone, but that's not my style - truthfully I would NEVER play my Rectifier without my Tube Screamer (I have the $40 TS7, btw, which is for all intents and purposes identical to the more expensive ones as explained here, and more importantly sounds great to me!)
When you turn the master on the amp up you mean, or the level on the pedal? I can have the master on my Recto at any level and there's only feedback if I stand close to the cab facing it (obviously), so it's good! And I personally much prefer the Rectifier to the 5150, much more bark and balls IMO, but different strokes I suppose - that said, be sure you've got the Recto sounding as good as it can before you finally decide to sell it, with the TS settings I posted before, and on the red channel, modern mode, Treb. 11:30, Mid 10:00, Bass 10:30, Presence 12:00, and gain to taste! (and on Diode Rectifiers and Bold, naturally) - them's my favorite settings, and that's after A LOT of tweaking!
And you have an Oversized cab, right? I know I once preached the Traditional, but I had one for a few months, learned my lesson, sold it for a Recto cab, and have not once looked back!
Jesus christ, extreme settings is the word - I dunno, I honestly have always wondered whether cranking all the settings would have them like counteract one another (harshness of the highs not seeming so obvious relative to the drastically increased mids, for example) and create the potential for some new, underappreciated form of tone. However, I've never had the balls to try; I fear change you see
And am quite high :Smokedev:
Well as you may recall, I was turned off by people saying the Recto cab was too scooped sounding and so I picked up a Stiletto (Traditional) - however, after many months of recording with it, I determined that I feel it's more appropriate to say that smaller cabs (e.g. Mesa Stiletto/Traditional) have too much mids; they feel dense, stuffy, wooly, etc., and the Recto cab just has a better balance by shifting the emphasis down from wool to chuggz. And these findings were confirmed when I compared the two!
Oh yeah, my impression is the 1960v's (whether av or bv) aren't as stuffy and middy as the Stiletto, so I'm not surprised it won in your comparison! Still, I loves my Recto cab![]()