I Bought a Used Tremoverb! Questions

Hey, just doing my part to combat the infuriating myth that we around here use Tube Screamers for extra gain/level! :D
Hey, just doing my part to combat the infuriating myth that we around here use Tube Screamers for extra gain/level! :D

I don't have a tube screamer yet and I've got the to that a DR without a tube screamer is prettty hard sounding.

I tried a MT-2 recently in front of it with the gain at 0 and some eq, sounds pretty cool, not as mid-rangy as a tube screamer though but it definitely brings the mesa to another type of tone.
Yeah, the MT2 in front of a Rec apparently can net a bitchin' old school death tone, but that's not my style - truthfully I would NEVER play my Rectifier without my Tube Screamer (I have the $40 TS7, btw, which is for all intents and purposes identical to the more expensive ones as explained here, and more importantly sounds great to me!)
Yeah, the MT2 in front of a Rec apparently can net a bitchin' old school death tone, but that's not my style - truthfully I would NEVER play my Rectifier without my Tube Screamer (I have the $40 TS7, btw, which is for all intents and purposes identical to the more expensive ones as explained here, and more importantly sounds great to me!)

Thanks for the info.
Yeah my MT-2 can get some cool tone, not much in love though.

Also, when I turn the master up, it starts feedbacking even if I keep the distortion knob at 0 on the MT-2.
Does it happen to you with the TS?

Even though I like the amp I've been thinking about trading it for a 5150 and a mesa oversized cab but if a TS is my solution, I'll go for that.
I like the mesa but sometimes I find it too versatile, I like simple amps better.
When you turn the master on the amp up you mean, or the level on the pedal? I can have the master on my Recto at any level and there's only feedback if I stand close to the cab facing it (obviously), so it's good! And I personally much prefer the Rectifier to the 5150, much more bark and balls IMO, but different strokes I suppose - that said, be sure you've got the Recto sounding as good as it can before you finally decide to sell it, with the TS settings I posted before, and on the red channel, modern mode, Treb. 11:30, Mid 10:00, Bass 10:30, Presence 12:00, and gain to taste! (and on Diode Rectifiers and Bold, naturally) - them's my favorite settings, and that's after A LOT of tweaking!

And you have an Oversized cab, right? I know I once preached the Traditional, but I had one for a few months, learned my lesson, sold it for a Recto cab, and have not once looked back!
When you turn the master on the amp up you mean, or the level on the pedal? I can have the master on my Recto at any level and there's only feedback if I stand close to the cab facing it (obviously), so it's good! And I personally much prefer the Rectifier to the 5150, much more bark and balls IMO, but different strokes I suppose - that said, be sure you've got the Recto sounding as good as it can before you finally decide to sell it, with the TS settings I posted before, and on the red channel, modern mode, Treb. 11:30, Mid 10:00, Bass 10:30, Presence 12:00, and gain to taste! (and on Diode Rectifiers and Bold, naturally) - them's my favorite settings, and that's after A LOT of tweaking!

And you have an Oversized cab, right? I know I once preached the Traditional, but I had one for a few months, learned my lesson, sold it for a Recto cab, and have not once looked back!

When I mean the master volume on the amp.

I didn't know you sold your traditionnal cab for an oversized one, I don't have a mesa cab, I choose a Marshall 1960BV, it's not angled and has V30s in it.

I really need to try a TS, I can't right now though cause I don't work much these days so I can't spend money on gear.

Maybe I should stick to it like you're saying, I wouldn't wanna regret trading it or selling it.
Another option I have right now is to trade it for a Egnater Rebel 20 plus some cash and buy either a 5150 or an oversized cab with the money.

Or I could just keep what I have and wait until I can afford some more stuff, which would be in a couple years only cause I'm going back to school and I'll be broke for a while lol.

Thanks for the help
So tonight when I got home I wanted to play with the mesa settings a little bit more so that's what I did.

I found a clip on youtube where the guy had a pretty extreme setting, it was like that:

Presence @ 5 o'clock
Gain @ 2-3 o'clock
Bass @ 3 o'clock
Mid @ 8 o'clock
Treble @ 4 o'clock

Up to now I was playing with settings pretty close to yours Metaltastic but with no TS and a little bit less high and a bit more bass but otherwise pretty close.
I've always red that with the mesa it's better to keep the eq under midnight if possible so that's what I was doing.

Then I tried this setting found on youtube, the guy was playing that pluged directly into the mesa (no boost).
To my surprise it sounds pretty fucking cool, from there I adjuste the kobs to my taste and found a setting similar to this one but a little bit better IMO.

Anyway, I only wanted to say that I found I new tone that I didn't expect to find.
Next thing I'd like to get is a good clear punk tone that remains super clear but with lots of power and gain to it, kindda like the album Twisted Design from Strung Out or pretty much anything from Fat Wreck Chords.
Jesus christ, extreme settings is the word - I dunno, I honestly have always wondered whether cranking all the settings would have them like counteract one another (harshness of the highs not seeming so obvious relative to the drastically increased mids, for example) and create the potential for some new, underappreciated form of tone. However, I've never had the balls to try; I fear change you see :erk:

And am quite high :Smokedev:
Jesus christ, extreme settings is the word - I dunno, I honestly have always wondered whether cranking all the settings would have them like counteract one another (harshness of the highs not seeming so obvious relative to the drastically increased mids, for example) and create the potential for some new, underappreciated form of tone. However, I've never had the balls to try; I fear change you see :erk:

And am quite high :Smokedev:

Yeah I kindda was affraid to try that too but like I said I found a cool tone, maybe not a tone for everything but it definitely have it's place.

BTW, why did you change your stiletto cab for an oversized?
What do you like better about the new one?
Well as you may recall, I was turned off by people saying the Recto cab was too scooped sounding and so I picked up a Stiletto (Traditional) - however, after many months of recording with it, I determined that I feel it's more appropriate to say that smaller cabs (e.g. Mesa Stiletto/Traditional) have too much mids; they feel dense, stuffy, wooly, etc., and the Recto cab just has a better balance by shifting the emphasis down from wool to chuggz. And these findings were confirmed when I compared the two!

Well as you may recall, I was turned off by people saying the Recto cab was too scooped sounding and so I picked up a Stiletto (Traditional) - however, after many months of recording with it, I determined that I feel it's more appropriate to say that smaller cabs (e.g. Mesa Stiletto/Traditional) have too much mids; they feel dense, stuffy, wooly, etc., and the Recto cab just has a better balance by shifting the emphasis down from wool to chuggz. And these findings were confirmed when I compared the two!


Okok, thanks for the link, pretty cool shootout.

When I tried the different cabs at the store the day I bought my 1960BV, I compared it to a mesa stiletto (they didn't have the oversized) and to me the stiletto sounded more mid focused with less low and high extension than the 1960BV so I bought the marshall, needless to say I compared the 1960BV to about 5 other cabs too.

I'd still like to try the oversized cab side by side with my 1960BV, I think it would have more oomph and probably a different mid's voicing, maybe darker...I dunno, that's why I'm curious.

I doubt I'd wanna trade mine for a mesa though because I always have a vintage marshall head that sound bloody good for rock and roll into this cab, the option to have both cab would be pretty nice though ;)
Oh yeah, my impression is the 1960v's (whether av or bv) aren't as stuffy and middy as the Stiletto, so I'm not surprised it won in your comparison! Still, I loves my Recto cab :D
Oh yeah, my impression is the 1960v's (whether av or bv) aren't as stuffy and middy as the Stiletto, so I'm not surprised it won in your comparison! Still, I loves my Recto cab :D

Do you play anything else than metal?
I'm asking cause (I said it before) I don't play metal exclusively, I like to play some hardcore stuff everynow and then but generally I'm more into rock, alternative, grunge, indie...that kindda stuff.

And I'm curious to know if the mesa cab can be versatile or if it really is voiced mostly for metal.
Would my vintage marshall still sound like old school rock and roll through it or would it sound modern?
Well I do play pretty much exclusively metal, but my feel on a cab is it affects more the mix-friendliness and overall frequency distribution of a tone, but the "character" of a tone comes from the head, so I'm pretty certain your Marshall would definitely sound as old school as ever if you put it through a Recto cab; it's just a great cab with an excellent frequency balance for anything remotely heavy/distorted IMO!