I bought a vinyl copy of October Tide's "Rain Without End"!

ich wär froh, wenn ich wenigstens die CD-version hätte :p
die meisten leute meinen, dass Grey Dawn (das album hab ich) besser ist...stimmt das wirklich?
Originally posted by Nico16
die meisten leute meinen, dass Grey Dawn (das album hab ich) besser ist...stimmt das wirklich? [/B]

Mir gefällt 'Grey Dawn' ein wenig besser. In meinen Augen ist diese Platte einfach druckvoller, ausgereifter und eingängiger als der Vorgänger, zumal das Schlagzeug "erdiger" klingt. Auf der RWE hört es sich irgendwie leicht blechern an, genau wie auf BMD. Aber das ist ja letztendlich Geschmackssache.:) Ich stelle jedenfalls fest, daß die RWE über weite Strecken an mir vorbeirauscht, während die 'Grey Dawn' vor Ohrwürmern nur so strotzt.:D
the joy of grief@ :lol:

Originally posted by Nico16
ich wär froh, wenn ich wenigstens die CD-version hätte :p

ich auch :D

Scheisse :p

Yeah,sprechen sie bitte auf englisch,weil es langweilig ist Deutsch zu reden :D

BoF@ Nico asked if it is true that Grey dawn is better than rain without end....
and the_joy_of_grief replied that he/she (?) prefers Grey dawn a bit more...also because the drums sound better in GD...sth like that at least :p

5Euros for my successful translation please :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Melancholia
and the_joy_of_grief replied that he/she (?) prefers Grey dawn a bit more...also because the drums sound better in GD...sth like that at least :p

Hey, not bad! Thumbs up!:cool:

Here's something Greek to make good on that.


Someday I'll start a German thread though, just to annoy you guys.:D :p

Speak German or die!:devil:
well, I still hope that there will be a third album someday...

just think of Bloodbath...when the EP was released, Dan said that a full album was unlikely and that he wouldn't play on it, if they'd record it. But now we have it...a full album with the original line-up. I hope the same thing happens with October Tide. I know there are lots of fans who would die for it ;)
falling bird@hmmm i guess the most common word here is "malakas",which in fact means "wanker, masturbator",but is also used as hm sth like "foolish person,idiot" and also between friends smth like "mate" let's say :lol: quite horrible.. ....you will hear it everywhere...but ehmmmmmm you'd better avoid using it :rolleyes:

Originally posted by BoF
Tak fordi du oversatte de andre poster Melancholia og joy_of_grief:: NEJ??? :D

Det er i orden.Selv tak.... :D
Rodgrod med flode!!!!!!!!!! :loco:

the_joy_of_grief@ ouzo is the root of all evil :lol:

~mel~ (euxaristo...den kanei tipota )
the_joy_of_grief@ ouzo is the root of all evil
so true!! I can drink anything and behave more or less normal when I'm hammered, but if you give me Ouzo...well; you should NEVER, under any circumstances give me Ouzo......... :eek: ...it's always so scary to hear what mortifying things I did the day before then...:lol:
Originally posted by Nico16
so true!! I can drink anything and behave more or less normal when I'm hammered, but if you give me Ouzo...well; you should NEVER, under any circumstances give me Ouzo......... :eek: ...it's always so scary to hear what mortifying things I did the day before then...:lol:

Ouzo...that reminds me of a Finnish friend who once bought a bottle of Ouzo just to get drunk and he repeatedly offer me a sip even if I really didn´t like it...We were wandering in the streets with this bottle of Ouzo singing drunkard ´s songs in Swedish... Finns sometimes can be really crazy!
Originally posted by Melancholia
falling bird@hmmm i guess the most common word here is "malakas",which in fact means "wanker, masturbator",but is also used as hm sth like "foolish person,idiot" and also between friends smth like "mate" let's say :lol: quite horrible.. ....you will hear it everywhere...but ehmmmmmm you'd better avoid using it :rolleyes:

Hehe, thanks mel ;) What a strange word :lol:
Originally posted by falling bird
Hey ether, have you just had some Ouzo?? :lol:
That would explain the the triple posting ;) :lol:

I deleted the two exceeding posts...I probably had some problems with my computer...didn´t noticed I made a triple posting!
all this talking about ouzo had a negative effect on my computer :cry: