I didnt think it was possible..

men seriöst...
Are you guys dumb or something? Is it hard to understand basic satire? He hardly listens to black metal anyway, and he surely doesn't wear fubu.
Try reading books sometimes guys; it might make you smarter. ;)
I'm just a passerby. :)
Anyway, that stuff was just a joke by him. He was bored and wanted to kill some time. None of the songs took more than 10-20 minutes to make. His band has changed to more of a serious direction and it sounds pretty decent, IMO, but he hasn't put any of those mp3s up yet--I'm not sure if he will.
totalfuckingnecro said:
If you don't care, then why bother posting?

Wow, you are about as smart as a box of hair. You gargantuan moron, he doesnt care about what the person before him posted, exactly the same as everyone else in this forum. We all get the "satire," and being that we are fans of black and death metal, we would be able to appreciate the humor greatly. However, it isnt funny, its just really stupid.

As for the "if you dont care why bother posting" horseshit nonsense, you might try the In Flames board and post with another gigantic moron named Mekane, it seems you have a lot in common, being childish and stupid and what not.
Damageinc840 said:
Wow, you are about as smart as a box of hair. You gargantuan moron, he doesnt care about what the person before him posted, exactly the same as everyone else in this forum. We all get the "satire," and being that we are fans of black and death metal, we would be able to appreciate the humor greatly. However, it isnt funny, its just really stupid.

As for the "if you dont care why bother posting" horseshit nonsense, you might try the In Flames board and post with another gigantic moron named Mekane, it seems you have a lot in common, being childish and stupid and what not.

It's funny how you call me childish, yet you're the one who is attacking me unprovoked with petty insults. I merely stated that saying "I don't care", aside from being rude and immature, has no worth whatsoever and the poster would've been better off spending the time he wastes doing something more productive. Maybe you should listen to your own advice and grow up before starting fights.

Obviously many of you didn't get that the band is satirical and completely unserious. I mean, you criticized the lyrics. What lyrics? They weren't even written, they were improvised on the spot. I guess it's not as witty and as insightful as one of your forum posts, but then again, it wasn't supposed to be.
Not for everybody things and issues appear in the same light, so ->
Perhaps you two guys should first discuss why it is satire, and why not - what speaks for and against it.
Perhaps even why it is good satire, why not... Why is it possible to miss that?
Might be that then you get some usefull stuff out of it...
Just an idea:)
Eisbär said:
Not for everybody things and issues appear in the same light, so ->
Perhaps you two guys should first discuss why it is satire, and why not - what speaks for and against it.
Perhaps even why it is good satire, why not... Why is it possible to miss that?
Might be that then you get some usefull stuff out of it...
Just an idea:)

Thats a good idea! i often opt for a more peaceful solution, and especially one that is beneficial for both parties. some of my greatests idols have lived up to that ideal, and it definately helped them out- Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy- they often tried defusin situations and looking for a pleasent solution...see where it got them? Now the whole world remembers them.

Now, just out of curiosity Eisbär, whats your defination, and opinion, of satire, and how do you feel about conflict?

@TFN- I never was ther person who first opted to have people look at this website. I saw the "satire" and laughed, at how horrible it all was. Ive played the satire game, when i couldnt play music and my band was horrible. This may not be the case for you, however that type of humor was something i played when i was unable to express other things in my music. Now I realize this isnt the case, and people like Devin Townsend, who are amazing musicians, use satire often.

Childish insults? Yes, perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps you really are no smarter then a box of hair, and your a splitting image of mekane, very very secure in his own opinions, secure living in the box, positive that all other people have nothing to offer you.

As for listenign to my own advice, you tell me not to start fights, but you show up on this forum and your first posts question the intellegence of members of the baord. Those types of insults are indicative of coming conflict. So then, perhaps it you who should be following your own advice? Just a thought.

P.S.- I agree with you as far as the being allowed to sing about vikins and not being allowed because of racial heritage. Just thought youd like to know i dont consider you completely worthless.
What do you mean you never opted to have people look at the website? You made a thread about the band and linked to the website. Why else would you make a thread? I highly doubt you were just doing it for the fun of hitting the Submit Topic button.

Anyway, the fact that this band was created as a satire and many of the members here took it seriously either shows two things, A. The band has done a successful job, or B. The intelligence level of the people here isn't that high. Then again, the whole point of Nekro Vinterstom was never to be a good satire. It was just a fun way to kill some time and make some funny music. I couldn't care less what any of you think, I find it hilarious and so do my friends.

I wasn't the one who started an argument. I merely voiced my opinion that I thought what he said was rude and immature. He asked a question, and when the person replied with the answer, he became a dick. Somehow, this justifies being called a "gargantuan moron" by someone I've never even met.

PS: I honestly don't know who these guys you think I am are, so quit comparing to them, since those insults are just falling on deaf ears.
totalfuckingnecro said:
What do you mean you never opted to have people look at the website? .

your absolutely correct, i did craete the post. It was a mispelling on my part. Now, on to my rebuttal for the remainder of your argument, since the entire first paragraph is voided.

You and friends find it hillarious- this is wonderful, we now have your opinion of it. If this is to be accepted without argument, then why arent we allowed to have our opinion of it? Isnt satire often followed by critcism and or conrtoversy? Just as you couldnt care less for our opinions, as im sure you've gathered, we couldnt care less for yours. The people who find it funny on this forum find it funny. Those that find it stupid, find it stupid. What makes it so important to you to justify a joke you made when you were bored and had 20 minutes to kill?

As far as insults falling of deaf ears? That is just what they should do, as they werent insults, they were observations. SInce you wish us to begin respecting your opinions of Nekro Vinterstom as legitimate satire, to spend time reading your observations of us which imply we are far too ignorant to ever begin to fathom everything that is hilarious about Nekro Vinterstom, then perhaps you should take head to observations and comments, as well as respect our opinions-since this is what you are asking us to do.

NP- Devin Townsend-Walletchain
Here I have some ideas regarding your question

A satire is a kind of exaggerated mirror you place in front of someone.
The aim is to show something negative and that people which see it shall think about it. Even members of the critizised parties should be able to think about the satire, they should recognize themselves in it.
It needs to be clearly understandable and it shouldn't hurt someone's feelings in an extreme way. That is the most important fact!
It has to use clear(!) signs which are possible to be identified with the topic.
Another thing is that it only should focus on some important and supporting
facts/statements, and not a whole list consisting of 1000 minor ones...
These things are important to reduce the possibility of the audience to miss it. And it should have a kind of niveau in a funny and perhaps even paradox/ironical way. For example the "frostbitten testicles" are a perfect example how it shouldn't be done...That is so bad that it seems like kid-brain-shit. At least it leaves a bitter smack and that isn't good.
A better way is to exaggerate in a much cheesier way.
An example for "extra tr00" BMers:
"I'm that evil that I have to state how evil I am - 667(for overzealous people only) forever!" Works much better.
The 101 Rules of Black Metal are an example of an in some points well done one.

The scale of them vary from "extra light" to "extra heavy", so I can't state
that they're always fit perfectly... It depends...
It definatly is an artistic way of showing someone's flaws, but it should be handled carefully
'cuz a too drastic form hurts emotions and that leads to conflicts and so the aim of thinking is missed... So it should be varied in the dimensions of attacking, according to the purpose.
They're not easy to do, but the one who masters it kicks ass (in the sense of encouraging to think and reflect)
without using physical violence. A whisper is sometimes much more frightening then a scream.
I think you noticed it - I'm a little fan of such stuff when done right:)

Conflicts are normal, they are one of the basics of the human and necessary and it hasn't to be destructive in a negative way.
Without conflict no evolution, but conflict isn't the point.
The way of expressing the opposition is the point.
Opposition is a result of conflict, so the scale of reaction is the key to the topic. For a conflict words can be used, it can be a fight of minds, and also a fight of weapons.
And this is the touchy thing. How to react?
Fighting with words, killing somnebody or something inbetween?
That has to be decided by everybody on their own, but that doesn't mean that another is able to understand the reasons of the person why he reacts in this way and not in another...
But what I don't like are violent conflicts between nations because this means war and people fight for shit they don't even know/want and they fight because they are expected or commanded to do so.
Perhaps even some are looking for expressing their inner violent emotions, to calm their inner war because they are not able to do so in society because of rules, live situations etc. ...
(that is a totally different topic but it touches this one)
And they they don't fight for their country, they fight for their own existence because the human has the inner instinct to survive. Of course, the brain can dominate this instinct but not in every case.
Battles between two persons are a slight different thing. Here they know why they fight and they're aware of the possible endings. Here the reasons aren't that abstract like in wars.
Battles between two people can happen in wars, but it is much more personal and they know that
someone has to die because otherwise oneself is dead and that is not acceptable in for the most...
Conflicts are't bad by nature - they become bad by deeds and purposes (wars because of resources etc).
Man...thats a very difficult topic you know.... even philosophical. And that in a foreign language...
I hope you understood my ideas and thoughts. Questions, comments are welcome:)
Eisbär said:
Here I have some ideas regarding your question

A satire is a kind of exaggerated mirror you place in front of someone.
The aim is to show something negative and that people which see it shall think about it. Even members of the critizised parties should be able to think about the satire, they should recognize themselves in it.
It needs to be clearly understandable and it shouldn't hurt someone's feelings in an extreme way. That is the most important fact!
It has to use clear(!) signs which are possible to be identified with the topic.
Another thing is that it only should focus on some important and supporting
facts/statements, and not a whole list consisting of 1000 minor ones...
These things are important to reduce the possibility of the audience to miss it. And it should have a kind of niveau in a funny and perhaps even paradox/ironical way. For example the "frostbitten testicles" are a perfect example how it shouldn't be done...That is so bad that it seems like kid-brain-shit. At least it leaves a bitter smack and that isn't good.
A better way is to exaggerate in a much cheesier way.
An example for "extra tr00" BMers:
"I'm that evil that I have to state how evil I am - 667(for overzealous people only) forever!" Works much better.
The 101 Rules of Black Metal are an example of an in some points well done one.

The scale of them vary from "extra light" to "extra heavy", so I can't state
that they're always fit perfectly... It depends...
It definatly is an artistic way of showing someone's flaws, but it should be handled carefully
'cuz a too drastic form hurts emotions and that leads to conflicts and so the aim of thinking is missed... So it should be varied in the dimensions of attacking, according to the purpose.
They're not easy to do, but the one who masters it kicks ass (in the sense of encouraging to think and reflect)
without using physical violence. A whisper is sometimes much more frightening then a scream.
I think you noticed it - I'm a little fan of such stuff when done right:)

Conflicts are normal, they are one of the basics of the human and necessary and it hasn't to be destructive in a negative way.
Without conflict no evolution, but conflict isn't the point.
The way of expressing the opposition is the point.
Opposition is a result of conflict, so the scale of reaction is the key to the topic. For a conflict words can be used, it can be a fight of minds, and also a fight of weapons.
And this is the touchy thing. How to react?
Fighting with words, killing somnebody or something inbetween?
That has to be decided by everybody on their own, but that doesn't mean that another is able to understand the reasons of the person why he reacts in this way and not in another...
But what I don't like are violent conflicts between nations because this means war and people fight for shit they don't even know/want and they fight because they are expected or commanded to do so.
Perhaps even some are looking for expressing their inner violent emotions, to calm their inner war because they are not able to do so in society because of rules, live situations etc. ...
(that is a totally different topic but it touches this one)
And they they don't fight for their country, they fight for their own existence because the human has the inner instinct to survive. Of course, the brain can dominate this instinct but not in every case.
Battles between two persons are a slight different thing. Here they know why they fight and they're aware of the possible endings. Here the reasons aren't that abstract like in wars.
Battles between two people can happen in wars, but it is much more personal and they know that
someone has to die because otherwise oneself is dead and that is not acceptable in for the most...
Conflicts are't bad by nature - they become bad by deeds and purposes (wars because of resources etc).
Man...thats a very difficult topic you know.... even philosophical. And that in a foreign language...
I hope you understood my ideas and thoughts. Questions, comments are welcome:)

I was patronizing you, but as this is an open forum, your opinions are welcome.
Damageinc840 said:
I was patronizing you, but as this is an open forum, your opinions are welcome.

Fuck this is getting pointless and stupid, why the fuck cant we go back to posting about metal and getting fucked up? Does anyone have a general idea of when the new cd comes out or when we can expect it in America?
I thought you asked for some ideas...:confused: So you got them :loco:

Ähmmmm....release date of new album to be found here:
For the non-Germans out there the date is set to Sept. 6th according to the HP above.
Dunno whether thats the release date for Europe or whether this one is worldwide...so...
Eisbär said:
I thought you asked for some ideas...:confused: So you got them :loco:

Ähmmmm....release date of new album to be found here:
For the non-Germans out there the date is set to Sept. 6th according to the HP above.
Dunno whether thats the release date for Europe or whether this one is worldwide...so...

Fucking Awesome. Thanks dude.