I drew Devin Townsend

Dev said this the other day, god knows what hes up to, heh.

"OK yeah, to be honest...I have no idea.

Oh wait...I do!

no...shit...I mean, yeah!

Park of it is improvisational polka-ish grey metal interpretive dance...

And it's 50x heavier than God!

And lighter than a bag of air!

I've just got my private studio set up...seperate from the work studio, in a buddies house actually...very minimal, ableton Suite, some good fx and pre's, 3 guitars...and I'm just going to 'start'...I have about 12 songs from the past 2 years and a theme, as well as a vision for art and stuff, but in all honesty, I've been producing so much (start another one today) that it's been difficult to do more than prepare myself and my rig for the time when I'm free to let it all out...I'm very inspired though, and my chops and brain are working very well right now, so the combo should be great...It may end up in one of 3 or 4 places, but I'm just getting it all prepared. This company flew me to the states last week to discuss it and some interesting things happened...stars seem to be aligning...also, I just farted and I can't get it out of my blankets.

relatively soon,
Hey everybody thanks for your kind comments. About Townsend's news - awesome. I'd really like to let him see my drawing on his forum but they never send me the activation email, which sucks.
Hey everybody thanks for your kind comments. About Townsend's news - awesome. I'd really like to let him see my drawing on his forum but they never send me the activation email, which sucks.

Try another Email.

And yes, I'm looking forward to the next Devin album, whenever he get's it done.