I feel like this mix is lacking something. Advice?

Song wise it sounds like a bunch of riffs stuck together and not a 'song'. Is it meant to be instrumental or is there going to be a vocalist? if it's going to be instrumental you're going to want ALOT more elements than what you have because right now it sounds like a vocal-less song
Song wise it sounds like a bunch of riffs stuck together and not a 'song'. Is it meant to be instrumental or is there going to be a vocalist? if it's going to be instrumental you're going to want ALOT more elements than what you have because right now it sounds like a vocal-less song

It is vocal less, because the vocals suck. haha.

They're coming in to re-record soon.

here's the one with vocals: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1317792/ReckoningsMixes/Song3newest_mixdown.mp3