I feel stupid...


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
I left my bag with my glove, cleats and other baseball playing accesories at the ballpark last night (like $200 worth the crap). I wish I could say I was drunk but I can't. I feel utterly stupid. Hopefully it will still be there tonite. It's just bugging the hell out of me too. I'm like all anxious and stuff to leave work and see if it's there. Man I suck.
i always leave my stuff like that. it's a shitty feeling to have to wait and go get it, and to see if it's even there. sorry that happened. sux.
The worst is that I will get all kinds of shit from my team for it. This may even get me voted team bitch at which point I will have to wear a bright pink shirt before, after and sometimes during the game.