do you sometimes feel like your job crosses 'the line' ?


Aug 2, 2002
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like, what your job was supposed to be sort of disappears a little and you are doing all sorts of crap?
like, i need to get a sign that says "HI I AM NOT A LAWYER FOR A REASON".

i also feel like handing my boss my job description sometimes. it's hard enough writing fucking Wills for sick people without all of a sudden filing bankruptcy for 130 clients? like, what?

(end of whiny-ness)
not nowadays. but when i was working for a non-profit, fuck yeah. my position title was "Community Organizer", but i also became "Housing Counselor", "Unemployment Compensation Legal Representative", "Job Coach", "To-the-Rally Driver", "Computer Class Teacher", and sometimes even just general "Social Worker". i actually liked the UC representation best, so it was cool i got to do more than just my job.
I haven't had an actual job description here for at least a year and a half. I am constantly getting new work and responsibilities dumped on me. And never any more money. My only consolation is that I'm still working.
yea i just feel like the reason i am doing more work is because we hired incompetent lawyers. i hate saying that! but it's like this bizarre conclusion i came to. there are two good lawyers. and then the other ones have like hardly any cases! like 20-30. and here i am with 300+ open files. i feel like they can go get fucked.
The last job I had I kind of hated, and towards the end when I stopped giving a fuck I refused to do anything that wasn't in my job description and there was nothing they could do about it, because i guess that's legality.