Ever feel like this/how do you force yourself...

S4R said:
You seem to assume wrong. I'm well aware of the cognitive/behavioral aspects to these disorders.
In that case you have my apologies.

S4R said:
It's perfectly logical that the best achievement a person can reach in absence of therapy and/or medication is recognition of the problem. Please further your explanation.
The way you phrased it before, the "in absence of therapy and/or medication" part wasn't clear. The way you phrase it now, i can't but agree with you.

S4R said:
These disorders aren't "cured," let's be clear -- we are only able to minimize their symptoms.
I don't have any specific knowledge about this, so i'll pass.
I do have a friend who was depressed a long time ago and now is fine, but in lack of further information i'll rest my case.

S4R said:
You make it seem as though this was my intention, it was not. The vast majority of people who suffer from these disorders remain undiagnosed, if anything, you underestimate the frequency of these disorders. Aside from that, I agree with the quote.
Sorry for mistaking your intention.
I don't underestimate the frequency of these disorders in the least, i do have an idea of how frequent they are, and it's mostly people with mild symptoms that go undiagnosed.

S4R said:
We're in agreement.
Yeah, it's good to solve all those misunderstandings and to see we can finally agree. :)
some actually believe that it requires treatment, but i'm old school and i'm convinced all it takes is some motivation and some reassurances.
but let's stop diverting this thread from its intended purpose of telling misanthrope that everything is fine as long as he believes in himself, or something.
Rahvin my man, what are you EXACTLY trying to get at with your argument now?

Nickster: Maybe he's sad because he realises he's part of the problem? ;)

Siren: I've heard these arguments before, I think you and my dad are from the same school of medicine. I got yo back honey. :grin:

Besides, seems to me that this over-eagerness to put everyone on drugs is one of the reasons so many drugs are both abused and losing their effects...
(being drastic) sure, telling people everything is going to be fine is OK. It's just not gonna cut it the day they get fed up with life and kill themselves. (Not concerning Misanthropes case, more in general)

For alot of people who have suffered some of these things, theres absolutely no fucking point arguing about whether this or that is the right thing to do, it's a matter of surviving or not. Do we want mental health issues to become a field of endless debates, where the sufferers are left to rot while experts bicker about their brilliant solutions? :p That being said, debates are probably great for sharpening your mind, but don't you people get enough of that in some other forum? ;)

Siren's standpoint is valid from one side, however for some, holding on to hope that their own strength or others help is going to resolve the issue is futile, they might loose several years of their life feeling like shit for no good reason other than stubborness. Let's look at that fact as well huh? Doctors overprescribing Antidepressants? Of course! But don't compare some silly teengirls "depression" with the real disorder itself. You all could do well reading a book called the noonday demon, dealing with all kinds of sides to depression from social to theraupeutical and cultural. And (to whomever it might concern) dont give me that crap about how you think we should all just hug and be happy. Stop clicking this thread then.

Yup, i've heard about these drugs in our waters as well. Scary shit! :p
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Rahvin my man, what are you EXACTLY trying to get at with your argument now?
oh, indeed, i was the first to be in the wrong about it.
actually, i was expressing an opinion on missy's specific situation as i know it, which is: i don't think he is in deep enough to require treatment. then again, reading what followed i realised he probably does lack the reassurances and motivation he'd need, and i completely agree with the fact that he should seek the opinion of an expert. moreover, on general principles i agree with s4r's stance: some problems do require strict medical attention, and inner strength has absolutely nothing to do with solving them.

@d_j: but drug abuse is often a consequence of lack of treatment. as in, some just decide they need to take stuff. had they met with a professional, they would have been told the hows and the whens of taking controlled substances. it's a happy-go-lucky attitude that seems to meddle with people's inclination to do (medical) drugs just for the sake of it, imo.

@lta: i agree with you, that's really accurate, what you say.
@rahvin: but abuse of drugs also comes from them being prescribed without being needed, because it's easier for the doctor to just dish out the pills than deal with a problem. Not all professionals act very professionally.
after reading this part:

Lost To Apathy said:
And (to whomever it might concern) dont give me that crap about how you think we should all just hug and be happy. Stop clicking this thread then.
i couldn't possibly disagree even if i wanted to. :p

@d_j: well, i'm not sure this holds water in all circumstances. in so many cases doctors would - for lack of a better expression - get richer by keeping a patient in their cares for years, having him rant on their couch weekly and sending him home without actually doing nothing to make him feel better (if we're talking unprofessional people here), so that the patient keeps feeling the need to come back. on the other hand, a pill is a solution, one that requires no more than a refill after a given amount of days to keep working - at least for a while, it's not as if i'm saying these things work perfectly - and therefore a possible detriment to a doctor's income. so, while i certainly understand it can happen, i'm not sure it's a frequent scenario that we should somehow try to stop from spreading or something. aside from the physiological amount of human error/misbehavior, i do find it should be rather safe to assume professionals give people pills when the good in taking them does outweigh the bad.
clearly if you think it's damaging to your integrity not to try and make it on your own for twenty long years of therapy, you can usually choose to have it your way. maybe i myself am arrogant enough to actually refuse medication, who knows. but still, for those who are willingly to accept the bargain, it seems to me it's decent enough, and i have no reason to believe it's fostering drug abuse. besides, i do think drug abuse in the western world is in recess, but i might be just confused.
Siren said:
the focus shifts from the person and his problem and noone suggests solutions anymore. it's not that hard to figure out..
I wouldn't presume to have solutions, nor would I presume a person would find no value in a debate related to their aliment.
Dark_Jester said:
Besides, seems to me that this over-eagerness to put everyone on drugs
I'm in agreement that medications are over prescribed, especially with children. Many of the popular anti-depressants haven't been around long enough for research on potential long-term effects. Altering the brain's chemistry so drastically when it's still in development scares me.
Dark_Jester said:
so many drugs are both abused and losing their effects...
The psychotropic drugs used to treat mental disorders don't have this problem. An individual may build a tolerance, but if a drug is effective it won't ever become ineffective. What you mention applies more to antibiotics.
No problem on ruined threads guys, i was too busy fighting a series of anxiety attacks over the last few days, i get them once in a while but because of a mayor system failure on my pc it got worst ( although my nuckles are almost fully healed now ).

Now i need to figure out one of the most odd fucking problems i see, and i live in the land of crap pcs and trojan infested lowend noname pcs, so ive seen alot. Im close to a solution and got my system working ( although there is significant shrinkage, im down from 120gb to 10gb now :cry: )

So since i dont know if im going to be around for weeks or if my hard drive or motherboard is going to burst into flames any second, can someone please put me up to date on this?
Lost To Apathy said:
Heh, I dont know, does he make fun of me or not? :err:
no, he doesn't. i thought the both of us were joking about the hurt potential of forum arguments. i felt like saying something nonsensical to stay on the "emotional" tracks.

that, and i'm about the size of nick's arm. ;)