How do you like your job?

Which of these best describe your employment situation? (check ALL that apply)

  • I have my own business, but don't get paid enough to live off of it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I live off my own business!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Tough day at the office for ‘best job’ winner
Ben Southall, caretaker of tropical island, stung by dangerous jellyfish

Everyone has bad days — even a guy with the title of “best job in the world.”

Ben Southall, the 34-year-old caretaker of Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef, learned that lesson the hard way.

On his blog, Southall detailed being stung by the “tiny and extremely venomous” Irukandji jellyfish.

“I was enjoying a post Christmas jet ski session with some friends at a quiet beach on Hamilton Island, and as I climbed off the back of the ski and onto the beach, felt a small bee-like sting on my forearm,” Southall wrote.

Southall said the sting caused tingling hands and feet, headache, tightness in his chest, pain in his lower back and high blood pressure.

A doctor treated Southall with injections that “immediately took away the uncomfortable pain I was feeling and I slipped into a comfortable sleep after an hour or so,” he said. He was later discharged.

The British man beat out nearly 35,000 applicants from around the globe to win the coveted “Best Job in the World” position.

The position, which pays $120,000, is part of a tourism campaign to publicize the charms of northeastern Queensland. It became a viral marketing hit, spreading across the world via YouTube and social networking sites such as Facebook.

Southall was selected on May 6 among 15 other finalists after four days spent on the island for an extended interview process, which required applicants to snorkel, gorge themselves at a beachside barbecue and relax at a spa.

The finalists also had to demonstrate blogging abilities, take swimming tests and sit through interviews.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to check on any of the positive options in this poll. My job is a dead-end worthless endeavour, but I puts food on my family's table. The only thing I like about my job is most of the guys I work with are cool as fuck and we have a good time goofing on each other. The goal is one day to finish school and strike out on my own, but that's a long way off.
A job is a job. I don't expect to like it. That's why I get paid to be there, and not vice versa. Given the fact that my desired profession is all but unattainable to me, I'm pretty sure I won't care for any job I get. So I guess my job is as good as any.
I love my job. I work in a paleontology lab on campus and over the summer I was a research assistant running experiments and doing fieldwork, and now that I'm back in school, I'm working on a species analysis project that involves a lot of data entry and statistics. I really enjoy being able to work with fossils and have a hands-on type job while knowing that I'm getting experience towards what I want to do with the rest of my life (well, I'm paid to work with invertebrates right now, and I prefer vert paleo, but it's still paleontology).
I also volunteer in a few vertebrate paleo labs on campus and I'm incredibly busy and often stressed, but I feel happy to be a part of research and to know that I'm making my own contribution to science. So I guess I can say (for the first time) that I'm very happy with my job.
I love my job, it pays well, is fun, I get exercise, very varied and you have to come up with different solutions everytime something doesn't go the way you want it to. I'm also working at a small company and have some internal education and experiance which makes me not feel like a standard disposable peon.
My job makes me want to shoot myself.

I work in a plastics manufacturing factory. The hours are long and the work is the most mind-numbing, soul-crushingly tedious grunt work. The work is mostly easy but the boredom and repetition are awful. I get serious anxiety just standing there doing literally the same simple task approx. 60 times an hour for 12 hours straight. I also get to come home reeking of molten plastic and mold lubricant. The people are mostly nice, but also mostly retarded and about as ignorant as it gets.

Edit: I saw this thread first thing after work and instantly knew I had to check it out and was rather amused to be mentioned in the initial post.
Yeah, it was the least I could do to recognise such an astonishingly awful living as the one you have. You were definitely the first thing that came to my mind when pondering the bottom of that 0-10 scale. :)
As of now am painting under the table for 10 an hour and it's not bad, but then again am not doing it full time. My last full time job was a Waiter at The Crown Plaza Hotel & Golf Resort for about 2 months which was ridiculous.

Previous full time jobs.

Dishwasher at Howard Johnsons for 7 months.
The Last Chance Ranch for about 3 years.

Jobs are a mix of bad and good for me.
Multi-level marketing firms may as well be considered hybrid pyramid schemes

I know that, but Rainbow isn't a multi-level marketing firm, at least not the distributor I was with. Monavie and Avon are good examples of MLM though. With Rainbow, you got paid for doing demonstrations and making sales, just like any other door to door sales type thing. You don't go around trying to recruit as many people under you and then let them do the job.
I voted the first three options. I don't currently have a job. It's great being able to keep my own hours and not have to ask for time off, but I spend too much time doing nothing. Not having a steady income also sucks.

Used to run/live off my own business, but had to end it due to (repeatedly) changing circumstances.

Actually, at some point or other I'd have been able to click any one of those, except "My job is interesting/mentally stimulating" "My job is rewarding/improves my life" and "I would be fine with keeping this job for the rest of my career!" Though I'm sure it's the same with pretty much everyone over 25.
Mathiäs;8794769 said:
What is your specialty?

My firm specialises in litigation. The majority of commercial lawyers don't get involved in contentious matters, they stick to drafting or general advice on tax, structuring etc. That bores the hell out of me so I prefer the combative side of things.
I guess it depends on what you'd think of as being well paid (I'd assumed it meant enough to be comfortable each month, no bills unpaid, get what you want and still have cash left for savings). Also, I've been told by an employer that they weren't able to cope while I was away for two weeks, and was later called (two months after leaving) to ask if I'd consider returning. Made me feel pretty important within the company. Maybe I misunderstood though.
Working in the med health field, on a locked unit, with mentally ill patients...I have the classic love / hate job! With an edge to the love part.