Do you like living where you are now?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
I love where I am right now.

One of the things I love about Maine is that everyone seems to be friendly. Maine is a lot more old fashion then other places, socially. It doesn't matter who you are, what your job is , or anything. People try to help each other out. Hell, when we needed help bringing our new woodstove in the house, our neighbor from across the street came and helped us.
My sports teams are here, the music scene (while currently experiencing a lull) is still better than that of most, and most every major tour will roll through here once in a while. Not to mention, I, for the most part, am able to avoid the redneck crowd of Texas, because I live in the middle of the city... so I guess I can't really ask for more.
I support all of the above statements about my state.

Yes. I attend a rural university with fresh air and plenty of room to think.

I live on an island in the woods overlooking the ocean. I want to live there until I die.


Dont hate where i live, but the amount of people that are interested in playing the kind of music i like sucks, which leaves me with 2 friends, one that leans more toward metalcore and wants too add breakdowns to our songs and the other that is just a stoner.
My sports teams are here, the music scene (while currently experiencing a lull) is still better than that of most, and most every major tour will roll through here once in a while. Not to mention, I, for the most part, am able to avoid the redneck crowd of Texas, because I live in the middle of the city... so I guess I can't really ask for more.

No it's a fucking shit hole of a town. We only moved here to look after my very old grandmother and so I could go to a better school. We'll I'm in my final year at the sixth form at that school and granny has passed away.

Seriously, there isn't even a music shop or a train station. It's a rut. All it has is a beach and it's usually covered in dog shit and fat naked women with little kids on leashes. I only know one person who listens to metal and they mainly like goth stuff, nu metal and erm, whatever's trendy. They are more of a poser than anything and it annoys me.
Virginia's fine. Not really spectacular in any way, but it's nice enough. I could see myself spending most of my life here. However, I haven't traveled for shit, so I imagine there are nicer places to be out there.

I plan on moving somewhere far away (probably California) within the next 3 years, just because I don't like the idea of only living in one place for my entire life. As a sort of intermediate step, I'm moving to the D.C. area this summer to live with a friend who's going to law school there. This has little to do with my interest in the D.C. area itself, which I think is actually pretty fucking drab. But there will at least be more to do there than here in Richmond.
as far as metal, im alone.
as far as guns, this place sucks.
as far as weather, can be good, can be shitty.
the land itself, sucks. flat flat flat!
Springfield as a whole is pretty good though. Real cheap to live here.
Blues hockey, Bears football, Illini basketball and football.
This is my home.
Where I live it is incredibly beautiful,year round. Hot summers combined with our great lake+ sexy bitches is awesome. Fall is full of colour and beauty. Winter is snowy and cold, but once again extremely scenic ( but a total bitch to live in unless you a tourist visiting tbh)

Metal/music scene is decent considering the size, but the biggest metal bands that have come through here are 3iob and Dismember w/augury, nevermore and cryptopsy

land is prosporous and has kickass vegies/fruit etc.

People are cunts however
it is still a small city, and I would much prefer to live in a big city i.e. Vancouver

its half half for me really. Kelowna is unreal and a true jem but it lacks some things that i seek in life.

I live in a Suburb of Chicago. I attend a pretty small/mid-sized high school where everyone is pretty cool and chill. The sports teams never get in the way of people becoming interesting, maybe due to the fact we fucking suck, which makes my high school experience a good one and not the normal,teen movie cliché. The town of which I live sucks. There is nothing expect for a Panera Bread and a Blockbuster. I guess you could say it is your average peaceful suburbia. If I want to buy some music it is either FYE at Woodfield or Reckless Records in Chicago. Or if I really want to go out of the way I head into the outskirts of the city to go to Metal Haven. There is also no music scene, so forming bands is extremely hard but I have manged to have done so. Once I go to college, I hope to attend a good college somewhere within the confines on Chicago, New York, or Boston so that I can experience a real interesting environment.
Jacksonville FL. Large southern city, largest in the country in square miles I believe. Excellent weather...sunshine, clear skies, and very very rainy when it does indeed rain..excellent unless you absolutely have to have romantic seasons and all that - it never snows, and it's a news story when there's sleet. Countless excellent places to eat and a lot of good places to go. The balance between the huge chain business machines and the awesome little family owned places could be tilted more towards the latter, but the situation is still surprisingly healthy for a city this size. There are many places to access the beach, which is only ever 15-20 miles away at most within the city. There are the usual areas which will be filled with bodies and sometimes their litter, but there are also plenty of more secluded shores, some of which can be driven on. There are 3 malls within the county lines, and pretty much about every place to shop you could want, except for a Tower or Virgin Megastore or something...sadly enough. Despite appearing as a metropolis, there are trees and water and nature everywhere you go and there are many many many trails and parks and woods and swampland in general to explore should one feel the need. There is also actually a lot of space, wide roads and parking lots and highways in general are laid out pretty logically and there is breathing room despite the amount of people living here. The music scene is pretty horrible, there are only 2 kinds of local bands: 1. The hardcore invisible ninja fan having bands who have no sense of melody or song structure and now fill their compositions with random sweeps for no reason...there are hundreds of these and you cannot see any live show without encountering it. 2. The bands the 30-40 year olds form, which are intent on resurrecting and keeping everything bad about 90's alternative rock alive. However, they are at least more professional and have better gear to bore your face off with. And then there's us. Check my sig, niggaz.

Here are some pictures of mine of some of the area (the first one however is Indiana, each has a descriptive tag):
Not really because no bands come here (Eugene) nice people, nice weather mostly, but :/ I'd want to move to portland (Oregon, not maine) because it has more bands and there's more things to do.
I would prefer San Diego, but Tucson is nice. I don't mind the heat, and we don't have any other natural disasters (yet).

The music scene is weak. Phoenix is better, but also hotter.

San Diego has weather, ocean and music! And the earthquakes there are usually only small.
I love Melbourne. I wouldn't live anywhere else in Australia. I'd like to live overseas again at some point though.
I'm kinda tired of where i live, feels so far from where shit happens, culture life is almost non existant. Wouldn't mind living in London or New York for a couple of years.