Do you like living where you are now?

I like Hong Kong. It's pretty fun. But I hate this campus, its boring as fuck and christian.
I live in the Fens, an incredibly flat area of land which was largely reclaimed by dutch settlers. I moved here because it was where work posted me in my early twenties. I hated it at first; the locals are insular morons who have traditionally worked on the land (picking potatoes, cutting cabbages etc). In the winter, the landscape is unbelievably bleak. From my house in a little village, the first thing you see from the front door is a huge sea of mud, for as far as the eye can see. There are no music shops in the nearest town. The local train station does not open on Sunday. The fastest net connection I can get is just above 1mb. The local town has become a haven for eastern european migrants, so much so that some local government workers are now given free Polish and Lithuanian language lessons...

...but, it's a good, safe place to live and my kids get plenty of fresh air and room to develop, the schooling is reasonably good, and I can't be arsed moving anywhere else now.
I live in one of the most expensive cities in my country (Chile), it has a lot of ancient history about a civil war that happened hundred years ago with the peruvians, landscapes are nice, it's desert and sea alltogether, we also have ruins from an old silver foundry plant, al a monument which was made from the sea erosion thousands of years ago.

Rock scene, pretty moved, many bands playing on weekends, some of them good, some not of course, bands from other cities come here to play, next concert in my city will be HAIL in january.

Also is a mining city, we produce the most amount of cooper in the country to export.

I like the city although is very expensive.

here are some pics:

City at night

a post

the silver foundry (Ruinas de Huanchaca)

The monument LA PORTADA and the beach

Come and visit the city
To seriously answer the question at hand:

No. I hate New Jersey. Too expensive and way too crowded. Sure, I am pretty close to Philly and NYC, but I hardly ever go to either of these cities so it doesn't matter. I'd like to live someplace that is fairly warm year round.
Yeah, it sucks. The only other place I have lived is Tulsa, Oklahoma (long story, don't ask). Tulsa is alright. Way more laid back, not as crowded and expensive and oddly enough there are actually lots of things to do in that city so moving back here after being out in the south midwest for four years has really made me hate NJ even more.
Do I hate living here?

I don't know. All of my friends are still here currently, but they are moving away. I have a good friend who wants to work in Alabama for a few years at Southern Company and then move back here to work for Duke since he actually likes living here.

This city is a shithole though. Jerry Springer was our mayor for a bit if that gives you any idea.
Where I live is alright...I've got places to go hang out and everything I guess, plus a lot of my friends live in the same town as me...bit of a boring town but there's some alright places(other towns, city etc) nearby..I suppose if I had my own place then it'd be better, living with my parents gets pretty irritating sometimes.
A couple years ago, I hated living here since I thought it was so boring. I really like it now though, I need to buy a camera and take a picture of the awesome view since it just snowed the other day.
To seriously answer the question at hand:

No. I hate New Jersey. Too expensive and way too crowded. Sure, I am pretty close to Philly and NYC, but I hardly ever go to either of these cities so it doesn't matter. I'd like to live someplace that is fairly warm year round.

Come to Tucson!

Actually, if you want to have things to do and any concerts to go to without driving 2 hrs, then don't come to Tucson.
The only remotely cool thing about my town is that we have a ski jumping hill in the middle of town, i think that's pretty unique.