Do you like your job?

Esteban said:
Yeah that sucks, for me it's not about the money (well, more or less but it's not the most important thing), I just wish I had more time to do other stuff, when I get home I'm usually too tired to do anything.

man thats sucks :/ sorry for you... i got promotion more money less time :/ .... sucks
I work for my Tio doing stuff around the ranch. Well during the summer I did but now I'm in school. I didn't like the work alot, but it was kinda fun and I learned alot of stuff. I had to feed a bunch of cows, drive around and check them, drive a tractor, clean water troughs, and other boring things. But my co-worker Josè is funny and taught me lots of Spanish, and I got paid alright and put in lots of hours.