I finally found a Symphony X cd at a CD Store


Klingons on Uranus
Oct 17, 2003
St. Louis Missouri USA
Visit site
Finally, after much digging I found Divine Wings of Tragedy. I had Strapping young Lad's City in my hands. I dropped that as soon as I saw Symphony X's cd.

I love this cd so many good songs. Accolade, Pharoh, Eyes of Medusa, Candlelight Fantasia, Sea of Lies, etc. :kickass:

I cant believe those assholes at Boarders put a Symphony X cd in the band Switchblade Symphony's section.

Heartless Bastards.

America is ass backwards for music. All the good stuff you have to dig for. Yet all the crap is shoved right in your face as you walk in the damn store.
COBSteele02 said:
I would but I dont have a credit card !:cry:

I try to buy as many cd's as I can from bands I like but its just so hard to find em.
You can order them without a credit card too. Drop me a note to the merch address on the page and we'll get you hooked up with all the details.

music stores piss me off too.:Smug:

Most around here you really don't see any SymX!!
So thanx to people like "Glenn", We get to hear some REAL music!!:)
yeah, stores in the US are really fucked up. I found two Symphony X cds at the local store, and they were buried under slipknot and crap like that.

go buy stuff from the Symphony X site, i got some shirts at the church of the machine site. Good service and have some nice shirts and Symphony X stuff to buy.
minstrel_of_metal said:
go buy stuff from the Symphony X site, i got some shirts at the church of the machine site. Good service and have some nice shirts and Symphony X stuff to buy.
The shirts that were listed on Church of the Machine are the exact same ones that are listed on the SymX site. The only difference is in the webaddress now. Essential the same service you received with CotM is what you should expect from the Symx.com site.
